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Yes I was afraid and the fear was not because of him. He was evoking a reaction from my body which I couldn't understand. Maybe he was using magic or something, anything could be possible in this world. I could escape my despair thinking I was his captive whom he blackmailed and forced himself on but, how could I justify the way my body was reacting to his touch—as if it had a mind of its own and was well aware of his touch.

He would have done me a favor if he forced me like last night but something changed in his demeanor when I said he wanted to fuck me. I could console myself making him the villain, which he was but, tonight, I couldn't even blame him if my body kept reacting to his soft touch making me end up in bed with him willingly.

"Love," his hoarse was acting as a fuel to my messed up state.

"You see fear in your eyes," he said trailing his hand that was on my hand over my waist and then dip towards my core before adding, "and that fear is not because of me."

He got me!

I gasped when his hand disappeared into my gown through the high slit and touched my inner thigh. His other arm was still tenderly touching my swell. I didn't realize when he stopped kissing my throat and was staring at me through the mirror. His fingers stroking my thigh but more than the touch the movement of it through the gown made my breathing hitch. In a painfully slow move his fingers moved towards the core and he took me by surprise when slide one of the straps down my shoulder.

One of my swells was visible with the rest of my gown still in place. I saw him clenched his jaw looking at my bud and his orbs changing color. I didn't need to know how much it was affecting him too.

"Beautiful," I felt his restrained emotions when his chest vibrated against my back in a growl that passed through my body and reached my core. Desperately my hands grabbed hold of something which happened to be his hard thigh when his cold finger touched my fold and I closed my eyes in a daze.

"No," a growl vibrated from my back making me open my eyes.

"I won't let you deny it this time," he said and before I could comprehend his words he decided the same moment to circle my fold and twirl my bud.

My lips parted and I peered at his moving hand inside my gown through my hooded eyes. I exhale a shaky breath clutching him firmly when he circles my fold twice before rubbing it. He repeated it again but this time he squeezed my bud gently making me pressed myself against him; his hard poking my lower back.

I leaned my head over his chest feeling his cold finger over my two sensitive parts and couldn't help enjoy the touch. Looking straight into my eyes, he leaned and kissed the back of my ear again and my body let out a tremble as the pleasure was piling up inside me. Although this was not the first time he was touching me, but, this was the first time I could see what his touch was doing to me.

"What do you see now, love?" he asked and a stubborn part of him didn't want to answer him. It didn't want to acknowledge what he was trying to show was true.

My silence irked him and he stopped rubbing me but pinched my bud hard. I shrieked. His grip on my nipple loosen but he was still holding it, challenging me to defy him again.

I licked my parted lips, deciding how to answer his question when he trailed the finger inside my hole and pulled back before rubbing my clit. A spark hit me and I arched my back with the contact of our cold and warm skin at my sensitive part.

"I'm waiting, love," he said, this time, his voice was laced with raw passion. I couldn't help wonder how he was holding himself.

I opened my lips to say something, anything but his fixed gaze on me froze me in my place. He already knew the answer yet he was deliberate to make me confess. Lacking patience, he continued to circle my fold and randomly rub my clit and all the while his other arms didn't stop kneading my bosom. My breast perfectly fitted into his large palm, as if they were mould for him.

My legs soon started shaking and couldn't look away from the point on my gown where I could see the movement of his hands. I had an urge to pull down the gown and see his fingers penetrating into my private part. I was feeling ecstatic—would be an understatement hearing my moans and the way I was grinding against his finger.

I was losing my balance and sensing my lost state he held me by my waist and added another finger making me jump with the new wave of pleasure. My vision started blurring. I raised my arm and held on to his neck while grinding my body against his hard on as well as his fingers. I was sandwiched divinely between his hardon pressing my butt and his fingers devouring my core. My lips parted and my eyes were about to roll back reaching my high when abruptly he removed his fingers. I fisted his hair to show my annoyance and grabbed his hand inside my gown, forcing him to continue.

"What do you see, love?" He repeated his question but didn't comply with my demand.

Having enough of his control I intend to use my finger and almost reach my hole, when he locked his drenched fingers around mine and demanded, "What do you see in your eyes, Alexandra?"

Groaning in frustration I whispered harshly, "Pleasure and lust."

The next moment he crashed his lips over mine and guided my fingers inside my center while pressing his hard on into my butt. I returned his kiss with the same intensity looking straight in his eyes. My muffled moans still resonated in the room, when I parted my lips for his tongue to enter, while fingering me with our joined fingers, and he, humping me from behind. My walls were stretching beautifully around our fingers and I could feel a cocoon of warmth around them, covering them with my juice with each thrust.

My toes curled when our fingers hit my spot and I ferociously kissed me in my orgasm earning an approving grunt from him. My hand fisted his hair harshly while my other one obediently followed his guidance inside my hole. He kept rubbing me to prolong the effect and when we broke the kiss he whispered, with my pants fanning his face, "I don't want to fuck you, I want to pleasure you."

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