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I was looking at myself in the mirror. The champagne-colored off-shoulder gown fitted perfectly over my body. Although the strapless bodice was putting pressure on my chest, I couldn't help admire how it accentuated my chest and made my waist look slim. The skirt was fitted with numerous sparkling stones, and I couldn't help feel like a princess already. I moved my hand over the material of the gown and was amazed at its quality.

The necklace that Czar gave me a week ago, sparkled marvelously, contrasting the gown color. My off-shoulder neckline, and a hair updo, gave it even more attention than it already had. I was still admiring the look when two arms around my waist broke my chain of thoughts.

"Simply exquisite," a murmur was heard before I felt the cold lips over my exposed shoulder.

I expected him to stop with a kiss; however, when his hands started sliding all over my body, threatening to spoil my gown, while his lips never leaving my skin, I grabbed his hands and said, "Don't even think about it."

That made me raise his head and looked at me through the mirror.

"I will make it quick, I promise," he pleaded.

"No, you will spoil my look," I said, turning around and facing him.

Firstly, he was persistent, and secondly, his kinks always aroused me. I didn't want to fall into the trap and ruined the effort of pulling up my looks. If I was not already dead scared to step out into his world, I would have still given a thought.

The day he said King particularly told him to bring me to the ball, I dropped dead. I was scared—was an understatement. Attending the ball meant walking into a room crowded with vampires.

I blurted out a big no as soon as he told me we have to attend it, as it was an order for him and he can't disrespect King's order. Czar; however, convinced me after two nights, during our wild intercourse, by propping up the question when I was in a daze of my high. In return, he did reward me for accepting his request, making me end up being sore for two whole days.

"I will duck into your big skirt easily, and nobody will know what we have been up to before attending the ball," he said.

I know he was trying to lighten me up with his dirty talks. I learned to read him by noticing the color of his orbs. When he wanted to take me, they would always be black, but now, his orbs were grey; cool, and gentle.

"Thank you," I whispered and leaned my cheek over his chest.

"I won't let anything happen to you. And you are my woman, no one will dare to harm even a single strand of your hair," he said, cupping the back of my neck.

"Remember, under no circumstances, you are allowed to leave my side," he reminded me nth time.

When I nodded in return, he took my hand and took me to a room, which he mentioned would be the way to travel to the venue. I grabbed his upper arm firmly in panic. I was still looking around the room to figure out how we were going to use it when he gently grabbed my neck and kissed me: hard. I always melt every time he kisses me like that and intuitively closes my eyes.

However, the moment the kiss broke and I opened my eyes, I found myself in a different room. I hastily moved closer to Czar and looked at him for an answer.

"Wasn't that easy?" he asked, running his knuckles against my heated cheek.

His grunt made me blink rapidly at him in confusion.

"I shouldn't have kissed you, now others will see how rosier your cheeks are, something which only I was supposed to see."

And I lowered my gaze, giving a coy smile.

"Let's meet the King and leave as early as possible, I can't wait to go under your skirt and have you tonight," he whispered, and I don't have to look into his eyes to know he was telling the truth.

Last week, he had been training me on etiquettes of their world and ball dance. When he gave his elbow to me, with a practiced move I placed my arms around it, as he taught me. He also told me how it was mandatory to have a straight back and a polite smile, a gesture to show how confident I was among the crowd, and also to show I was a Lady, Lord Salazar's woman. Even though I was terrified from inside, I didn't want to let his reputation down in my fear.

Taking a deep breath, I straightened my back and we started moving towards the ballroom. There were many vampires around us in the teleport room, and each one, upon sighting Czar, gave out their greeting and slightly bowed their head before addressing me, "My Lady."

If Czar's castle astonished me, then this castle raised the bar. I couldn't even describe the castle's grandeur and ended up gaping at the decor. It was Czar's chuckle that broke my trance before I realized I slipped out of the character of acting a Lady and soon masked my astonishment. My heart was beating rapidly, but Czar's presence around me was keeping me at bay. I know he would take care of me.

Czar leaned his head slightly towards me and said, "King Arthur."

I followed his gaze. There stood a man, a handsome man, holding a wine glass and talking to a group of men. My breathing hitched at his perfectly shaped face and his strong body. I couldn't help glancing around the hall and notice, every single person had the same level of beauty yet, they were different from each other.

They were uniformly pale and uniformly beautiful. Like Czar, their features were shaped to perfection, although they had different face shapes and features, there was a striking similarity between them that I couldn't put my finger on.

Men or women, equally beautiful. I glanced down at myself and then looked at Czar, who was intently looking at me.

"They all are beautiful, I don't think I fit in here," the moment I whispered, his expression changed.

"No Love, if there is a true beauty in this room, that would be you."

And I smiled. I couldn't help give out my full and genuine smile. Something in his words stirred my heart, and I almost blurted out I love you, almost.


I froze at my own thoughts. Was I about to say I love you to him?

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