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After one week of resting, Xavier pronounced me healthy. I started living in a different room. Every afternoon, I would look at Alexandra sitting alone in the gallery through my study window. It had been days since I met her, but every day I would look at her through the study window. Sometimes I visit her at night when she is asleep. I could see the desperation in her to meet me, but I was adamant about letting her suffer in desperation more. I resumed my work and started spying on Liam. I thought back on everything that had happened since the ball, and when I put two and two together, I understood what Liam's plan was. He used Alexandra to give me verillium and get rid of me. On the other hand, he was trying to get Alexandra. One more thing was concerning me, who was the mole among us who was instigating Rebels to attack us?

I wanted to tell the king how Liam manipulated Alexandra, but with her current reputation, I knew he would never believe her. In the third week, when I was in my study pondering who the mole was, Alexandra barged in without knocking. The terrified maids following her and not to mention Kingsley glaring at her. He would have stopped her from coming in if not for my order not to touch her.

"We need to talk," she said, her words not missing her irritation.

"His Grace?" Kingsley stepped forwards, awaiting my order.

"Give us a moment," I said, sitting on the armchair.

Once the door was closed, she strode towards me, her face flushed with anger, and said, "Why are you avoiding me?"

"Isn't it what you want, Alexis?" I asked her calmly.

I saw her frown when I called her Alexis.

"I just want to see how you were doing," she whispered, sounding hurt.

"Now that you have seen, you can leave," my words sounded harsh to me, but it was the need of the hour.

"I didn't know it was a poison, okay. He told me it would put you to sleep, and I can escape easily."

"And why would you want to escape all of a sudden. And who is this he that gave you verillium." I already knew who she was referring to.

"Liam told me that everyone knows I was your whore, a copy of Alexandra you brought from the future because of your obsession for her. He said you were playing with me for the sake of an heir and would dump me in the beast bit after you are done with me. Everybody in the ball knew who I was, nothing but a pathetic hoe."

The moment she said, I couldn't control my fury and stood up from the chair.

"And you believe him just like that? You believe a stranger you met a few minutes ago and not the man you have been living with?" I asked in a raised voice.

"I heard you talking to the King," she whispered harshly.

For a moment, I didn't understand what she meant and when it finally drew upon me, I couldn't help close my eyes and turned my face away from her in exasperation.

After a long time, I said, "You are Alexandra."

"You are lying. You don't have to pretend anymore. You save me from that monster, and I'm forever indebted to you. I would even bear your child, but I'm not ready to be a substitute to a dead woman. But I would request you, once you are done with me, please send me back to my world."

That was my undoing. In a flash, I stood before her and grabbed her by her arms.

"You believe it or not, I honestly don't care now. You are my Alexandra, the woman I love deeply. That is why I call you out as love or Alexandra. You incarnated in the future world that was revealed by Xavier, and that was why I got you from the future. Not because you are a substitute for anyone and not because I wanted an heir from you. I took you that night to mark you as my mate, to mark you as mine, till eternity."

Her struggle ceased when she heard me, her eyes searching my face for a lie.

"I told you that day, there are many things I wanted to tell you, but with time I could make you understand. It took you time to accept time travel and this world. I wanted to gradually make you understand the truth. As for the heir, it would only come into the picture if we bond out of true love—" she interjected at me, "You are lying again."

"Then explain to me how your body recognizes my touch, how every time it accepts me? How you couldn't resist me even though you tried hard? Tell me, why did you see the waterfall and the castle in your dream when you haven't seen it before?"

"That's natural for my body to be aroused by a man's touch," she stuttered, her words lacking confidence.

"Then why were you petrified of Liam's touch if your body reacts to man's touch, and what about your dreams?" I asked, running out of patience.

"I.....that..." she stuttered again, trying to find an answer.

"You what, Alexandra?" I asked her in a raised voice, jerking her harshly.

She flinched before her fixed eyes rolled back in her head, and then I don't know what happened next, but all I saw was Alexandra's unconscious body in my arms.

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