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"What do you want me to do?" I replied with a smirk, seeing her cheeks going red.

Instead of replying, she grabbed my hand and I let her pull them out. Scooting closer to my chest, she placed my palm over her breast and trailed them down resting on her buttock. Leaning closer she whispered in my ear, "I want you."

That was my undoing, and the next second, I jerked her closer to me by her ass and kissed her neck. Sucking her pulsing point I pushed my finger into her drench hole and rubbed her cllit rigorously. The frustration and the longing for her made me insane. Grabbing her swell with my other hand, I engulf them in my mouth. Holding on to my shoulder, she tilted her head with a moan and arch her back to serve her breasts to me. I feasted like a beast over her body while she fisted my hair, pushing me into her, if that was anymore possible.

My beast growled and I grabbed both her breasts, kneading them while my rough fingers grazed her sensitive nipple. This earned me one of her wildest moans.

"Beautiful," I murmured before sliding my fingers into her soft lock, which was scattered around her. I kissed her gently and she melted immediately. Grabbing her waist, I pushed her down and with one thrust entered into her. Her shriek was muffled with my kiss and she clutched my shoulder with the force.

I let her body relax with my unannounced intrusion and kissed her till I was completely inside her. She was panting by the time I broke the kiss. I drifted her knees apart and got mesmerized with the sight of her taking me in completely, till my balls pressed against her skin. Shoving her locks over one shoulder, I tenderly glided my fingers over her back for a few seconds, till her breathing was even.

The beast inside me was on the verge of killing someone but I regn it for my Alexandra. I didn't want to give her pain like last night, I wanted to give her pleasure even if it meant my balls could burst holding my high. She let out a shaky breath before leaning over face and wounding both her arms around me.

Staring into her eyes, I started kneading her ass and randomly moved her up. She winced in discomfort but once her juice lubricated both our sex, she started first with grinding. I clutch her asscheek, feeling her warm cocoon around my rod, restraining myself from moving her in a quick motion.

Picking up a rhythm, she started moving, bouncing her tits with each moment. I leaned back on the headrest enjoying her hole as well as the view of her lost in pleasure. She held onto my shoulder, while my arms rested on her hips. Our gazes were locked. I could get enough of seeing the desire and need in her eyes just the way I wanted, just the way I have been waiting for. Her lips were swollen with the kiss and she kept biting her lower lip whenever a new wave of pleasure hit her. She was unaware how her innocent action made her look seductive. Her cheeks were already red, while her pale skin around her neck and shoulder started turning red wherever I kissed or sucked her. Her breast skin was already red with my kneading.

I wanted to get deeper into her, deeper than I already was. Her action stopped momentarily and I gulped when she jutted out her ass and grinded against my shaft before continuing to ride me. I rubbed her sides to make the experience more pleasure; however, her tits were distracting me. She was looking at me through her hooded eyes and parted her lips when my shaft started hitting her point. She pulled her lower lips between her teeth while narrowing her eyes and moaned loudly that reached my shaft.

Losing out to my beast, I grabbed her by her hips to hold her at place and started pounding inside her with urgent motion. She turned into a moaning mess, biting and scratching me with her nails. I needed to kiss her again, to taste her swollen lips and fisting her hair, I pulled her for a kiss. I knew she reached her high when was returning the kiss with the same hunger. I trailed my hand over her core, and gave it a rub a few more times before she broke the kiss abruptly and jerked her head up crying out my name, shattering in pleasure.

I didn't reach my high and seeing her exhausted with her orgasm, I pulled her out and laid on her stomach.

"Stick your arse out, love," I said in her ear, trailing the kisses from her neck till her ass.

Although tired, she obliged. She was kneeling before me while supporting her weight on her forearms. Holding her hips I entered her again. She gasped with my intrusion but didn't react otherwise.The friction between my rod and her hole, aroused her again as I found her chanting my name like a prayer. At one point I heard her say, "Please don't stop."

Pulling her up, I wound my arms over her waist and grabbed her breasts while pounding her mercilessly.

"You are mine, all mine," I whispered harshly in her ear, before biting her ear.

She held on to my neck like her life was depending on it and moved herself against me. I lost the count of how many times she cried my name or how long she was moaning, all I could remember was the sound of my balls slapping against her ass. Her swells fitted perfectly in my palm and without giving the second thought, I pinched them hard earning another exotic cry from Alexandra.

"Say it love," I grunted, twirling her bud.

"Say you are mine."

She moaned instead but the moment I pinched her nipples again, she shrieked, "I'm yours, all yours."

I was on the verge of breaking into my release and I knew the same was with her. Trailing my hand down her core, I started rubbing her clit. Her breathing hitched feeling my cold finger and rod inside her, the other hand pulling her bud and my tongue devouring her neck. Few seconds later, she came hard and her cry intensified my pleasure by ten fold and I came inside her.

She slumped on the bed in exhaustion. Her breathing was coming in pants, that was fanning her rogue strand. I closed my eyes and laid beside her savoring the moments. I turned towards her, and couldn't help smile seeing her back marked by me. I knew she was dead exhausted but I hated even a fraction of distance between us.

Pulling her tired body over me, I kissed the crown of her head before covering our bodies.

"I love you Alexandra," I couldn't help say out loud.

"Everytime I thrust into you, everytime I kiss you, it's a promise of my love for you. You might not remember me, but your body does and I will wait for the day till your heart starts loving me."

By the time I looked at her, she already slept leaving me puzzled how much of my confession she heard.

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