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Why is my bed so soft all of a sudden?

I wanted to stir in my sleep, but I felt as if my body was tied, and I couldn't even move my finger. With great effort, I could turn my head sideways and then open my eyelid for a fraction before closing it with a groan.

Why is my room so bright?

My head was pounding, and I felt that my nerve would burst out if it kept going on. I had to try harder, or else the pain would kill me. I again forced myself to open my eyes slightly to clear my blurred vision and had to roll my eyes sometime before the view cleared. However, when it got clear, I went wide-eyed the next moment when I glanced around me.

Whose bed was it? Whose room was it? And why does it look so different?

The room, enormous. The furniture and the upholstering, classic. The view out of the floor-length window, exquisite. I supported my heavy body over my feeble arms and rubbing my eyes to make sure I was actually seeing what I saw instead of hallucination.

I looked at the waterfall in the distance through the room window, which made me glance around the room again. It indeed looked Victorian style or might be older than that. I never thought what I learned in my history classes will come in handy one day. The drapes around the floor-length window looked like it was carved out of finest velvet. The bed looked like it was carved out of a masterpiece, and the soft mattress was the softest I ever felt.

I would have kept gaping appreciatively at the room and its decor if my gaze hadn't fallen over what I was wearing— a gown.

I recollected wearing a hoodie, and it was then the memory flashed. I was walking towards the apartment, and someone grabbed him. He forced down something over my throat, and I went unconscious.

"Asshole," I growled. Whoever it was, I will not leave him.

Think rational Alexis, your anger will only cause your downfall. First, escape from this place, my conscience advised.

I closed my eyes momentarily to grab myself first and then think through. Inhaling a deep breath, I opened my eyes and then got up from the bed. My legs felt numb, and I gave them a moment to relax my muscle.

I was standing in one place, but I was looking for anything that I could use as a weapon. As if the stars were on my side, I saw a knife placed beside a fruit basket on the table. I took small steps, letting the blood circulation pass through my leg. Once I reached the table, I grabbed the knife and looked for the door. I assumed whoever kidnapped me would lock the door, and my surprise seems no limit finding it unlocked.

"A stupid fucktard," I muttered under the breath and slightly opened the door.

I shouldn't have been surprised after seeing the room decor, yet I couldn't stop gaping at the lavishly decorated corridor.

"Rich stupid fucktard."

I walked silently, gliding over the wall to be cautious of seeing anyone on my way out. I needed to find the exit before anyone noticed my absence. That was the plan. With the money screaming from every corner of the place, I highly doubt my ability to teach him a lesson for abducting me.

I kept walking; however, the place never ceased to end. Huffing in irritation, I took a random turn and started walking again, hiding the knife inside the gown pleats.

A scream caught my attention, and as crazy as I was, instead of minding my escape plan, I started walking towards the source.

Fuck Alexis, you will get yourself caught. My conscience warned me.

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