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"Please stop," my struggle intensified when I felt his hardness against my thighs.

Instead of listening to my pleas, he moved his lips from my neck to my bud and started sucking it while twirling the other with his cold fingers. I closed my eyes to get hold of my dread and think through a plan. My shudder breathing and his simultaneous action were making it difficult for my sanity to keep up.

Think of a way, Alexis, my mind urged me, and I focused on the darkness rather than his mouth on my clad nipple. I suck in a deep breath when he grazes it with his teeth at the same time; he pinches the other one firmly.

"I ...." I began only to gasp when his hand trailed down towards my core.

"I will not deny you, but please listen to me once," I said, and to prove my sincerity, I stopped struggling; let him cup my core against my protesting conscience.

"I will let you have me," I said again, swallowing the lump of disgrace.

He let go of my bud and raised his head to look deep into my eyes with scrutiny. I controlled my urge to avert my gaze, but if I wanted him to trust me, I had to return his gaze.

"It is my first," I said when I had his attention and licked my lips in apprehension, and his eyes followed my tongue.

"I want it to be special," with great difficulty I said, while a lone tear escaped my eye, disappearing in my hair.

I inhaled a shaky breath when he dipped his head over the crook of my neck and started kissing.

You can do it, my conscience encouraged me, and I placed my one palm over his shoulder, and another I ran inside his silky lock. This submission made him halt in his tracks, and with the speed, my heart was beating. I wouldn't be surprised if he could hear it.

"Alexandra," he said, but I could feel he was restraining himself.

The next moment, he caught me off guard when he smashed his lips over mine with ferocity. I couldn't help closing my eyes with the intensity he kissed me, and it took me a few moments to gather myself and return his kiss. I know he wanted to see my submission, and If that is what is needed to gain his trust, I would gladly give him. All the time, his orbs never left mine as if reading my soul.

He broke the kiss when I groaned out of suffocation but kept his lips over mine gently. My labored breath fanning his fan while he was not even breathing. I swallowed hard with the realization; he was immortal.

"Tonight, I want you," he said in his husky voice. If he was a human, I would have already come, hearing his voice, but my fear of him kept me grounded.

"Yes," I gather all my gut only to end up whispering.

"And once I claim you, you are bound to me till eternity," he announced, and without contemplating the meaning behind his words, I replied with a yes.

Instead of moving away, he laid over me, brushing his thumb over my puckering bud. Realizing he did not intend to leave me, I said, "I'm hungry," which was a partial truth.

"Very well," he replied and pulled away from him. I grabbed the bedcover to hide my hands, trembled and sat on the bed like a submissive kitten.

"I will send a slave; you can tell your preference to eat and love," he stopped abruptly, leaning over me and cupping my face, "there is no way out. Accept it, and it will be easier."

With that, he pecked my parted lips and left. As soon as the door closed, I covered my mouth with my hand and muffled a sob.

When things were going fine, why did it have to happen? I cried, slouching on the bed. I was scared; I wanted someone to save him, but who? I was a loner. I just wanted to live a happy life, and for once, for once, I thought I was through all the shit in my life, but I was so wrong.

Drawing knees closer to my chest, I cried over my helplessness. I couldn't help lose my brave facade and cried. I was still sobbing when there was a knock, and I jerked up in fear.

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