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Color-changing orbs and disrupted dreams were the only thing I was seeing. I wanted to open my eyes to stop seeing them but I just couldn't. Out of restlessness I started thrashing my arms and to some extent it calmed me but then someone held my wrists and whispered something I couldn't make out. I groaned out of frustration and was struggling to get my wrist out of their grip but instead of loosening their hold them securely.

I would have continued to struggle if not someone shouting, "No!"

That voice, it held authority, it held dominance which made my eyes snapped open.

Grey orbs was what I saw the moment I opened my eyes and I blinked rapidly in hope that they would disappear. To my horror it only enlarged my view and I came across his beautiful face. The same face that I thought was insanely handsome, the same face that shattered me last night.

I started taking sharp breaths through my mouth and like last night I couldn't break the stare how much ever I tried.

"Relax," he said and instead of relaxing, it only pushed me one step toward breaking. My entire face heated up and my throat clogged with despair.

"I will leave your arms if you stop thrashing," he said, looking straight into my eyes and a whimper was all I could manage.

He was naked and except for the duvet there was nothing between us. I didn't have in me to see in what condition I was lying beneath him. I know he took me last night but the memory of the pain when he entered into me was still fresh in my mind. I was never like this, I never felt this helpless but he made me.

He loosen his grip over my wrist and brace his weight over his forearm before leaning over my lips and saying, "Good morning!"

I swallowed hard with his gentle gesture and for some reason I couldn't utter a word. I kept staring at him and other than that what could I even do, lying beneath him, helpless. He also doesn't seem to be interested in hearing me and dip his head over my neck and I abruptly turn my face sideways. My gaze lingered on the angry bruise on my wrists, while he started kissing me as if we were some kind of lovers.

I know I couldn't stop him physically with his super natural strength and it's just my body he needs, and no power in this world would stop him from claiming it. It would do me good only if I let him do whatever he wants to. I didn't want to live but many lives were dependent on my survival and to live my days till my death without my conscience eating me up, I could only accept my reality.

I know, I still need time to learn to control my fright for him but with time, I will get past it. For every problem in my life, I kept chanting this as a mantra, I will get past through it too. What I learned yesterday, it made me understand, there was no way out of here for me. Maybe he was not lying about the time travel too and with absurd things around here, I started believing it.

I focus my attention on the angry bruise instead of letting my thoughts wander on his assault on my skin. I purse my lips when he slides the strap over my shoulder while pecking it gently. I know I shouldn't have but my body trembled anticipating he would fuck me again.

"Is it still paining?" he said, kissing the back of my ear.

It was then I realized there was no physical pain like last night, however, it only made me close my eyes when the memory of last night flashed. I whispered meekly, sensing his movement halt, "No."

My response should have satisfied him but instead he cupped my face and made me look at him, "Are you feeling tired?"

Yes, I'm tired of everything, every single thing that happened in my life.

"No," I said instead, and a traitorous tear escaped my eye.

He narrowed his eyes for a fraction before they followed my swallowing action.

"You can freshen up and I will order your food," he said, pecking my swollen lips.

Neither I said anything nor he waited, he stood up displaying his naked body and walked towards a door. When I was alone, it was when I mustered the courage to look down my body. I was wearing different clothing and like yesterday I wasn't wearing anything underneath. My nipples outlined against the thin cloth. I averted my gaze on the ceiling fearing I would break down.

"Love?" If I could, I would have puked hearing his fake endeavourment.

Before I could look towards him, he already sat beside me and leaned over, "are you alright? Do you need me to help you get up?"

Don't touch me.

"I'm okay," I finally managed to change my reply from monosyllable.

Instead of my body, my heart felt heavy. I sat up supporting my body on my arms and scoot towards the edge of the bed. I kept my gaze lowered but I knew his grey orbs would be following my action keenly. Surprisingly it didn't pain much, when I put my feet on the ground and stood up. Except for the slight limp I managed to walk towards the door, he told me it was the wash chamber which I assumed to be the bathroom.

Silently closing its door, I walked towards the floor length mirror on the corner of the chamber. One tear, two tears and then it started falling when I caught my reflection. The girl in the mirror was not me, she looked broken, shattered and moulded into the woman she was now. My shoulders shook uncontrollably when a sob escaped my throat and I slouched on the floor.

I didn't cry over losing my virginity but being caged in the time, where I couldn't go back and rot here till death could take me. I couldn't even kill myself, the cry of that two year old boy rang inside the silent chamber. I couldn't look at myself any longer, not when every inch of me was covered with his marks. I bowed down my head, thinking about nothing.

Where has time gotten me? Why was it me? Was it my punishment?

A knock on the door brought me out of the trance, "Love, your food is here."

I giggled, I couldn't stop the giggle which soon turned into a dark laugh and ended when I cried hysterically. He wouldn't let me have alone time, and here I was expecting to get some peaceful moments for myself. Maybe my overexpectations had brought me at this point.

Expecting a normal life, maybe I over-expected.

Another knock and it was my cue that he was running out of patience.

"Coming," although I tried to keep my voice firm it turned out to come shaky. Looking around the weird things and using my best of history knowledge I manage to get done with the morning routine. I didn't have to ponder over the thought of seeing my vagina cleaned. Every bit of me, he claimed, every bit of me he touched as if it was his right.

Splashing water over my face, I let another trail of tears get mixed with the water. I don't know but I didn't have the courage to look at myself again and instead kept splashing water till I was content with letting out my tears and making them as water droplets. At least I was given a privilege to cry alone. A third knock sounded inside the chamber and I opened the door without drying my face.

I saw him pacing around the door and the moment he saw me he marched towards me narrowing his eyes. What I didn't expect him to do was to walk past me inside the chamber and come back with a towel. As usual he didn't wait for my consent and started wiping my face.

"You will get used to it," he said before taking my hand and adding, "come."

The table was lavishly decorated with many bowls with a variety of food and if I had seen it two days ago I would have felt like a princess, but today I felt more like a lamb before its sacrifice. The only difference was, instead of being slaughtered I would have to endure everything.

Salazar's Caged LoveWhere stories live. Discover now