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Finally, I got Pubersky!

After days of travel and searching for it in the Garden of Eden, I finally attained the main ingredient for the Elixir. The thought of returning to Alexandra and that she would be able to live forever made me hurried in my action to reach the castle.

I couldn't stay in contact with Kingsley using our telepathy to know how she was doing, nor could I make use of my speed to reach the castle as soon as possible. Xavier told me the journey to the Garden of Eden should be without any magic and power. I had to rely on riding a horse for my journey. I almost reached my territory when I realized something was not right. Instead of riding, I came down from the horse and sprinted towards the castle.

When I reached the meadows, the view ahead of me dropped me dead. Men surrounded the castle, and I didn't need to know they were Rebels, looking at their attire. I immediately checked with Kingsley through telepathy.

Her Grace is in pain. Xavier said it's time.

The moment he notified me, my fury reached no bound, and without a second thought, I flashed through the attackers. I saw my guards fighting them off, but with verillium swords, the rebels were gaining control. Kinglsey was leading the attack and did a commendable job at guarding the castle. It was due to his sheer skills that he didn't let any attack step inside the castle.

I will call for reinforcement from the King's castle.

I sent him a message while rushing through the attacker, killing a few on the way. I wanted to lead the attack, but my priority was to shield Alexandra and our baby. If anything happens to them, I will rip each human rebel personally, giving them a horrendous death.

Where is she?

I messaged Kingsley before taking out two rebels who were about to stab a dagger into one of my guards.

Your room, His Grace.

Ripping a few more rebels, I made my way inside the castle and immediately went to the teleport room. I notified the King's castle for reinforcement using the bell whose twin was there in the teleport room of the main castle. I didn't wait till reinforcement arrived and rushed towards my room.

What welcomed me was the incessant heart-wrecking screams of Alexandra, who looked like she would pass out any moment. Her breathing was shallow, and her entire body was drenched in sweat.

"Love," I called her and, in a flash, sat beside her.

"Czar?" she could hardly whisper, and I saw her eyes flitting behind her partially closed eyes.

"I'm here," I said, grabbing her palm and putting it over my lips.

"Our baby...." she trailed and gulped hard before I added, "He will be safe too."

"Xavier," I found him working with the maid and instructing them hurriedly.

"His Grace, Her Grace is in labor. Did you find Pubersky?" he asked, holding a bowl and adding different potions before stirring it.

I reached for my pocket and pulled out Pubersky before forwarding it to him. He immediately took and then started pulling out small flasks from his box.

"Cover Her Grace with a sheet, and you," he said, pointing to another maid, "get me water in a tub and clean cloth."

My attention was brought back on Alexandra when she let out a horrid scream and clutched my palm tight. I swallowed my possessiveness when I realized Xavier would be in the same room and help deliver. If not for his expertise, I would have thrown him out, but she needed him, and seeing her and my child alive was my only motive.

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