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I chuckled when Alexandra threatened me. She was still coughing when I engulfed her in a hug. Our moment was broken when Xavier forward our baby boy for Alexandra to hold. Holding her feeble body from behind, I wound my arms protective around her and my son.

I kissed her temple before murmuring, "He is beautiful, just like you."

Alexandra couldn't stop looking at our son, who quieted after making us go through hell. I knew Alexandra and my son were safe now. Now I had to fulfill my duty to join my guards against the fight and to find out why they attacked my castle.

"Love, I would be out for sometime, you take good care of yourself and our son," the moment I said, the smile on her face vanished.

"But—" she wanted to stop me but I interrupted her, "Don't worry, nothing will happen to me."

Kissing her parted lips, I gave a look to Xavier, asking him to take care of them in my absence. With that, I walked out of the room. I was walking towards the teleport room to check whether the reinforcement was sent or not, when I got the whiff of the same scent I had in the woods when I was investigating the attack on the King's castle.

When the duke calls for help under attack, it is obligatory for the remaining dukes and the King to join him in the fight along with their guards. One after other, the dukes were teleporting into my castle and were joining the war. What made me suspicious was that this part of the castle was not under attack and their person was required outside the castle. Whoever it was, they weren't supposed to be here unless they have an ulterior motive.

Since I knew every nook and corner of my castle I hid behind a pillar to ambush the intruder. My assumption came true when I found the owner of that smell was Cornelius,he was one of Liam's guards. It was that moment I realized until Liam is alive there will always be a threat for Alexandra and my son and also for the peace.

As usual, Liam would always hide behind people and carry out his task. Being a vampire of upper ranking, I had power to hide my scent which was why Cornelius startled when I flashed before him.

"Looking for someone?" I asked with a raised brow.

"Lord.....Salazar," he stuttered, the first sign of getting caught.

"You were supposed to join the battle and not stroll around my castle."

"I lost my way," he lied and was about to rushe out when I grabbed him by the throat and raised him off the ground.

"Wrong answer, next time you meet a human, first learn to mask your smell. And you shouldn't have even thought of hurting my woman," I growled and the next second my fangs were out.

Before he could struggle, I pulled him closer and ripped his throat brutally. Although vampires were immortal but dismembering them would lead to their death. One after another, I ripped each of his body parts and would have shredded him if not for the message from Kingsley. Once the battle was over I would burn his body into ash, leaving no trace of his existence.

I rushed out of the castle and saw the rebels were gradually entering into the castle. Vampires were always at an advantage than humans, for example we should message each other through telepathy while letting the enemy know of our strategy. The only advantage rebels had was the verillium swords and dagger. I sent out a mass message through telepathy to all my guards to form a group of 20 men and cover themselves with the shield like a cocoon. This was to defend ourselves for the verillium swords and dagger.

Next, I asked them to stick out their swords out the small gaps between the shields making them approach like a metal ball with a spike. Taking advantage of our speed, I advise my guards to run around in circles moving forward. As soon as a small group were formed into a spiked ball, they started spinning around the human.

The shield protected them while the swords out the gaps attacked rebels with the speed they were not able to defend themselves from. Mirroring the strategy of my guards soon, the remaining dukes started ordering their men to follow the same strategy. Once we started sieging control, I looked for Liam. My gaze fell on a nearby dagger lying beside the dead body of a rebel.

Carefully hold its handle, not to touch its sharp end, I look around for Liam. As I expected I found him standing far, looking at the battle and not participating in it. I marched towards him hiding the dagger from him.

"Aren't you pathetic?" I sneered, the moment I stood before him.

"I like to let my men take the battle, aren't dukes supposed to be doing that?" he smirked

"You are disgusting," I said with disdain.

"Do I look like I care about your views?" he said strolling around casually.

"I thought I should let you know my views before you die," he was still contemplating my words when I rushed towards him and stabbed his heart with the dagger.

He went wide eyed in horror, his gaze flickering between the dagger and me.

"This is for trying to hurt my woman and before you die I wanted to share the good news, I'm a father to a boy, an heir of the kingdom."

I smirked and saw his orbs turning white and his body fell hard on the ground.

It was a matter of a few minutes when rebels started retreating but before they could escape we were able to capture a few of them and kept them alive for interrogation. This was the second castle attacked and before it comes to third we wanted to take necessary precaution.

One of the rebel names Phillips confessed he was told to staged the attack. At first we didn't believe him when we found the trace of compelling charm on him, and him showing us the talisman ring, the rest of the truth came out. It was all Liam's doing and this time there was evidence against him

King Arthur was furious when he came to know that the rebels killed Liam before we could even reach him. I regretted giving him an easy death. When King ordered the war prisoners to let go of war prisoners as a gesture of peace, the leader of the Rebel agreed to come forward for the treaty.

To celebrate the union of human and vampire, a feast was conducted on a neutral ground where our son, Marcus Salazar, was named as the heir to the kingdom of vampires and humans.

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