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I was lying peacefully in my dreamless slumber when something stirred above me, and I didn't need to open my eyes to know Alexandra woke up and was trying to move away from me.

Still trying to create the distance between us even when she confesses her want last night.

Before she could get back into her shell, I rolled us over, and she gasped in surprise. Dipping my head, I kissed her neck before murmuring, "Good morning, love."

I knew she would be in a daze, recollecting last night and how she came to me on her will. I don't have to look up to see by now her face will be red, either in anger or in despair. Her warm body kept me occupied till she could get hold of herself, and then we could talk.

"What are you doing to me?" her small voice made me stop in my action.

I raised my head and looked at her flushed face. Her eyes were already misty and were on the verge of spilling. She looked at me, accusing me of a crime.

"What am I doing?" I asked, bracing my weight on my arms but not pulling myself out of her hole, a fact she hasn't come to realize.

When she didn't answer, I leaned over her face and cupped it before she intended to move it sideways.

"If I remember well, you said, you need me. Am I wrong?" my lips brushed against her when I said.

"I gave myself to you, please stop playing with my mind. Stop planting your lies in my mind," she sobbed, looking at me.

"What lie did I plant in your mind, love? Was it my lie when you were enjoying my finger or my cock?" With that, I push my hip to make her realize I was still buried inside her, and she hasn't even felt discomfort since she woke up. She didn't even realize the entire night her warm hole was around my shaft.

She gapes at me in horror and immediately starts wriggling.

"Enough!" I roared at her seeing her still denying the truth.

The friction between our bodies did nothing but turn me on, and once my shaft twitched inside her was when she froze.

"Tell me, love," with that, I grabbed her swell and grazed her nipple.

"Tell me, didn't you like me touching your breast?"

Instead of replying, she sobbed, but I could see her resolute breaking the moment our skin came in contact.

I moved my hip and thrust into her gently, "Tell me, didn't you like that?"

I leaned down and captured her lips into mine; she groaned initially, but with my simultaneous movement inside her core and over her nipple, she melted and parted her lip for my tongue to enter. It was not only her that was getting aroused; my beast was slowly taking reign over me, and before that happened, I broke the kiss and asked her sharply, "Tell me to stop, love, or I won't be able to control."

She peered at me, looking baffled, but the moment her gaze flickered over my lips, I lost it. Capturing her quivering lips, I grunted in fervor. The experience of my groin expanding while being inside a pussy was intensifying my arousal. I hummed in approval when her small hand fisted my hair while the other roamed over my back.

I grabbed one of her ass and started kneading them, having an urge to feel her soft body. The moment my shaft hardened, I started grinding, making her moan inside our mouth and jerk her head up, breaking the kiss.

Her head leaned deeper into the pillow, and unreserved moans echoed inside the room, followed by my grunts. The force of my thrust moved her body almost toward the headrest, and she wound both her arms around my neck and her legs around my torso to resist the force.

"Look at me," I growled, having an urge to see the raw passion in her eyes.

She obliged. She was looking at me, with her lips slightly parted, her face contorted with lust every time I thrust into her.

"Do you still think I'm playing with your mind?" It was difficult for me to talk, but I had to.

"If you still think it is a lie, look down how our bodies are meeting," I gritted my teeth and ground against her hole to prove the point and continued to say, picking up my rhythmic movement inside her, "Each thrust your body is accepting of mine, it is accepting my claim on it. Each thrust is the testimony of my right on you and acceptance of it by your body."

Her tits brushed against my bare chest, and were already puckering with her arousal. I couldn't stop grabbing her hands and pinning them against the mattress, and folded my knees for deeper thrust. Her head tilted upwards with it while her legs dropped on the mattress feebly.

My rod was moving deeper into her, and this only made my movement quicken up. Drifting her legs as far as possible with my knees, I kept pounding inside her with urgent moves. The moment she curled her parted legs around my thighs and started moving along with me, I knew she was reaching her high. She lifted her hips for me to go deeper into her, which I graciously obliged.

Her pulsating veins over her neck tempted me, and I sucked it like a hungry beast. She cried out in her orgasm, yet I didn't stop pounding inside her. I was almost there, at my high, and wanted to prolong it as far as I could.

"Czar," she kept chanting my name, fisting her fingers around mine.

"Love," I replied in a grunt, and with two deep thrusts, I came inside her.

Salazar's Caged LoveWhere stories live. Discover now