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I was still playing with his hair, and looking at his desperate want for me; I couldn't stop myself from asking him, "Why do you want me?"

His lips that were on my breast stopped before he opened his eyes and pulled away slightly to look at my face. My forearms were already resting on his shoulder, while my fingers were embedded in his platinum blond. I shudder when he rubbed his hands on both sides of my waist before twirling his tongue over my sensitive bud.

"Want is a minute word to describe what I have for you; what I feel for you," he said, kissing my breast valley gently.

I had to stifle a smile, not wanting to count chickens before they hatch. I was still cradling his head when he trailed down over my belly button and twirl his tongue around its rim, and said, "Like humans need air to live; I need you. Something, if I don't take it, I can't survive."

I let out a shaky breath peering down at him. My heart thudding rapidly against my chest, looking at the sincerity in his eyes. I inhaled deeply when my chest felt heavy with emotions that were mirrored on his face, and also that was evident in his confession.

He dipped down and was now on his knees before me, his face just opposite to my core. I couldn't help fist his hair when he gave a peck on my core and raised his eyes to meet mine.

"Love, want is for people who desire you. I don't want you, I worship you," with that, he cupped my asscheek and sniffed my core.

"Let me worship you," he murmured against my core, brushing his lips against the apex, looking up at me.

"What if I don't let you?" I asked, yanking his hair.

My action only caused his head to tilt up. The sight of him kneeling before me, confessing and requesting to have me, made me feel domineering.

"Then I will beg Duchess till she accepts," saying that, he gently licked my wet core, breaking my resolve.

I know my voice would give away my excitement, and instead of answering him, I raised my leg and put the foot on the bed, baring my core wide open for him, giving him an invitation to have his way with me. I was already eager to have my release and the prospect of him kneeling before me, while licking me down there, was enticing enough that I couldn't hold myself.

Without wasting any moments, Czar latched at my core and grunted, finding it already wet for him. He squeezed my ass check firmly, before twirling his tongue around my fold lips. I gasped and closed my eyes, feeling his cold and soft muscle inside my fold, and jerked my head up when the first wave of pleasure hit me. In my pleasure, I ended up fisting his hair harshly and pushed his head deeper, a demand he obliged more than willingly.

I had an urge to look at his face when he was eating my core and soon let out a loud moan in arousal when I saw his perfect lips over my vertical one. At the same moment, he parted my fold and grasped his lips over my clit. He rubbed his tongue over it once, sending another wave of pleasure inside my body. My legs started shaking, and it was getting difficult for me to stand; however, I was enjoying the position and didn't want to lie on the bed.

My glance fell on the mirror, instated at a distance, yet I could clearly see Czar's head covering my core in the reflection. My bosom was already marked with his earlier devouring. The muscles around his shoulders flexed beautifully whenever he was squeezing my ass, and I was one step away from drooling over the reflection of his toned back. My own face was contorted with lust. My hooded eyes and lips between my teeth were proof of how much I was enjoying his ministrations. The moment his tongue entered, I saw my lips parting in the shape of O, and I gasped violently with his intrusion.

Czar didn't seem to be in a hurry and was taking his own sweet time in having me.

"Exotic," his murmurs broke my trance.

What was he referring to as exotic?

However, he answered my question when he said, "Exotic than any wine in the world," and I realized he was referring to my drenched center.

If it was some other time, I would have been ashamed of the sound I was making at the back of my throat, but Czar didn't give me a chance to ponder over my incessant moans resonating in the room and kept fucking me with his tongue, till I lost the sense to remember. I could only remember holding his head at a place and started moving my pelvis against his mouth. I don't remember when I stopped and he started. I don't remember how many times I had orgasmed or how I ended up on the bed, with him hovering me and pounding inside me.

By the time he was done, I was riding him with utter exhaustion and had slumped on his chest; with him still buried inside me. My legs laid feebly on both sides of him. He was an immortal, an immortal with untamed sexual desire. While I was all mess, he, on the other hand, was as cool as a cucumber.

"Don't you ever get tired?" I asked, in between my pants.

"With you around," he said, pushing his hips up, indicating his presence inside me, and added, "never."

An involuntary smile crept over my lips. Once my breathing was even, I started playing with his nipple; enjoying the sharp sound he made every time, I was twirling it with my thumb pad. The moment I felt his shaft hardening again with my touch, I went wide-eyed and moved my hand away.

His chuckle vibrated through his chest. I was still busing touching his torso when my glance fell over the fall, and I asked abruptly, "Will you take me to that waterfall?"

His hand, caressing my back stopped for a moment before he said, "Of course."

"You don't have to ask me, love, you just have to order me," the moment he said, I raised my head and looked at him.

Will he do anything if I say?

I sat up and asked me, "Anything?"

His brows furrowed in confusion for a moment; however, when he realized what would be coming next, he moved forward before wounding his arms around me possessively, "Anything, but please don't ask me to leave you."

Pain flashed over his face when he replied, and I did the only thing that came to my mind. I wound my arms around him, letting him nuzzle his face into my neck. 

Salazar's Caged LoveWhere stories live. Discover now