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Knife and blood!

That was all I could see, and when a pair of grey orbs stared at me, my eyes snapped open, and I jerked up with a gasp. My breathing labored. My heart, pounding rapidly against my chest, and I was still in a daze when that voice called.


I stabbed him, but there was no blood, this thought sent a shiver through my body, and I abruptly faced the direction of the voice.

There he stood, near the floor-length window. His grey orbs were staring at me just the way they did in my dream. I couldn't help tremble when I recollected the moments I faced before I passed out.

"Who are you?" I stuttered.

An amused smirk crossed his face, the same face I earlier found unusually handsome, and some of the questions I had about him in the club were answered in the form of him. He was not human; humans will die if they are stabbed over their chest or bleed. My terror made him start walking towards me while, on the other hand, I crawled back.

"You know my name, love," he replied in a calm tone, but his changed orb's color gave away his fury.

Why does he keep calling me love? And why was he furious when it should be the other way around?

"Why did you kidnap me? Where.." I trailed, looking around the same room I found myself in earlier, and said, "where have you gotten me?"

"You are home, love."

"Stop calling me love," I didn't understand why suddenly I got furious at him; was it him calling me love or he being cool about abducting me? I didn't know. I even forgot for a second he was not a human, and I can't afford to instigate him; however, the damage was done.

"You are home, Alexandra," the moment he said, still walking towards me, I was baffled.

"I'm not Alexandra," I replied immediately, only to regret.

His otherwise calm face, turned furious and a whimper escaped my throat, and at the exact moment, my back hit the headboard. It only hitched my breathing, and I kept looking at him as prey, looking at its hunter.

"I would let go of this once, but next time I don't want to hear your denial," he stopped in his tracks, and I let out a shaky breath.

"What...what do you want from me?" I asked, my chest heaving with ragged breath.


Silence prevailed in the room, and as I was about to speak, he added, "I want nothing from you. You are already mine."

The moment he rolled out the word mine, the memory of my dream flashed before me, and I was stuck with the realization. It was his voice in my dream. My mind was plagued with numerous questions, compelling me to forget he was not a human.

"The dream, your voice......you......" I couldn't channelize my wandering questions and form a sentence.

"I was in your room," he answered, and his one-sentence answered my unspoken questions.

"And that tiny apartment," the moment he added, I started palpitating. I looked around for an escape and found the door only to return my gaze on him when he said, "looking for an escape?"

Intoxication and stupidity will make you do things out of context, such as how I reacted to his question, even though I know I was at his mercy.

"Let me go or—" before I could even finish, in a flash, he was beside me and was leaning over me, grabbing my jaw.

"I waited for you for 20 years, and this time I won't let you leave, whether you like it or not," he said, and a growl followed.

My pooled tears started falling, and this was one of the few moments when I let my mask slip and show my vulnerability. His grey orbs were now a shade darker, and I hiccuped when I saw his gaze fell over her quivering lips. When he looked into my eyes again, his orbs turned black with lust.

"Please," a whispered plea escaped my lips. My own words tasted bitter to me, but I was shaken to the core. What had I brought upon myself?

Lost in my fear, I was still thinking of saving my ass when he leaned over me and crashed his lips over mine. I froze with the sudden attack, and when my sanity kicked in, I started pushing him away. Closing my lips tightly, I kept hitting my fists over his chest and used my legs to push him away, but to no vain.

Instead of pulling away from me because of my struggle, he pushed me on the bed without breaking the kiss, and the moment I gasped with the sudden fall, he entered his tongue, devouring my mouth. His hard body pressed me into the mattress, and I started feeling suffocated. I tried moving my face to break the kiss, but he grabbed the back of my neck and held it in place. The next moment, my palms, which were pushing him, were pinned above my head in a swift move.

My lungs started burning, and my eyes were about to roll back in my head when he broke the kiss. I couldn't even sigh in relief and sucked a deep breath when he started kissing my neck, and his hand that was holding my head was now on my breast.

"No," I screamed when he started playing with my bud. And given the fact that I was only in a satin gown, gave him complete access to it.

"Mine!" he growled, and I shudder, realizing if I didn't stop him, he would brutally break my virgin walls, and the fact that he was not a human made me see my doom.

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