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Even though I can't use my power to read her mind, I didn't need to as I could read her like an open book. Her eyes were the window to her soul and to every emotion she would feel. Right from her futile attempt to mask her tears with water, in the morning to her strong effort to hide her desire for me. I could read everything.

It pricked my heart seeing her glossy eyes in the morning when she woke up. They showed me in what frame of mind she was in—hopeless. Her restless form before she woke up was like icing of the cake. I could have been considerate towards her and didn't claim her last night, only if she stopped trying to escape every time she could get a chance. I would have let her get accustome to my world first instead of marking her as my mate with the sex, if I was not insecure with her fierce determination and stubborness.

I wanted to take away her pain and horrible memory and if not for a summon from King Arthur I would have stayed with her. There was not a single moment where I didn't miss her and the moment I saw her standing over the balcony, I walked towards her. Her hair tosling with the soft breeze against the waterfall was a beauty in itself.

I didn't need to see her to know she was upset and I had every intent to remove her despair until I heard her. She thought I was going to take her again and the choice of her word acted like a stab to my dead heart.

However, the moment I saw lust and desire in her eyes and the fact that she couldn't deny it was like a triumph for me. Her body recognised me and it was proven the very moment when I pleasured her in her sleep. If it was only lust, as she claimed I would have taken her on the very first night, but I needed her with me physically as well as mentally when I would show my love for her, everytime when I buried myself in her.

Her mind was one, I had to conquer. It only works on facts and logic, hence I made her see how her body knew my touch even if she doesn't want to acknowledge.

Her eyes were hooded with lust when I confess I don't want to fuck her but instead pleasure her. This was my Alexandra, undisguised, who would wear her heart on her sleeve. Not the stubborn Alexis I got from the other world who needed to be shown what she had been trying to hide behind her bratty image.

She was looking at me, clutching my hair and still holding my other arm over her core. Her chest was heaving with rapid breathing. The sight of her looking thoroughly fucked with her swollen lips to her disheveled gown, was my undoing. Before I could think or she could blink, I tore her gown and turned her around, smashing my lips on hers.

Instead of cringing, she shrugged the remnant of her clothing, before wrapping her arms around my neck and pressing her bare body against mine. She was kissing me with the same ferocity as mine and was struggling to stay on her toes to kiss me—an action that caused her ass to bounce everytime she moved. When I glanced at them through the mirror I intended to hoist her up but the moment her soft asscheek bounced again, I deliberately tilted my head up, earning a groan from her.

Noting my deliberate attempt she jumped over my body and wrapped her legs around my torso. This only made her wet core rub against my abdomen only to awaken my beast. Clutching the nape of her neck, I deepened the kiss running my other palm over her swollen core. The moment my finger touched her, she tightened her legs around me and pressed herself into me. I couldn't help rub my fingers over her core lips and pretended to enter again. This only made her break the kiss and arch her back in ecstasy. This position widened her down there, making the penetration easier and responsive.

Kissing her long neck, I walked towards the bed and threw our bodies harshly, still kissing her with fervour. This is what I have been waiting for, to see her surrender to me on her own. And I vowed to make this night longer for her, claiming her in every way. I couldn't help bite her throat when I saw it move every time she was gulping. She tilted her head up, giving me complete surrender to devour her soft neck.

Her unabashed moans hit every corner and every wall in the room. Her nails digging my flesh, instigating me to feast on her body. Leaving the trail of kisses all over her body, I reached my destination, her core. She was dripping wet already. Early I planned on eating her, intensifying her pleasure and earning her exotic moans but, with the way her body was trembling with untamed pleasure, I had a change of mind.

She grunted the moment I moved away from her and started removing my clothes, all the while my gaze raked her naked body. She looked furious at my lack of interest and her flushed face made her look more allure. She expectantly glared at me, hoping I would continue my soft assault on her. My beast was roaring at me, for restraining myself from entering her but instead I half laid on the bed with my back against the headboard.

"Czar," she harshly whispered; however, her puckered buds got my attention.

"Yes, love," I replied, placing my palms behind my head.

My relaxed posture seemed to infuriate her and she sat up in fury. I stifled a chuckle when she jumped on me like an angry kitten, stradling my hips. To vent her anger on me, she started biting my shoulder and digging her nails into my skin, however, it only made me turn on. I locked my hand to control my urge to touch her and pulled her over my shaft.

"Czar," she whispered helpless, kissing my lip and pressing her swell against my chest.

I wanted her to feel frustrated, how she had made me feel by not reciprocating to my ministrations earlier. She grabbed my neck and tried deepening her kiss. When I didn't return the kiss, she pulled back with a grunt unaware of how her wet core was rubbing my shaft. I clenched my jaw to stop a moan to escape.

"Why did you stop?" she asked me, but kept running her hands over my chest and torso.

She was hungry and I could see the need in her eyes, yet I waited patiently. Patience was a virtue and I needed a reward for my wait.

"You can have me, love," I said, with great difficulty.

She mirrors my actions, and started sucking my throat while grazing my nipple with her soft thumb pad. She was immediately rewarded for her action when my shaft poke her, making her jump in delight. Kissing my shoulder she trailed down and licked my nipple before twirling it around her tongue. I closed my eyes and involuntarily my head moved upward slightly while I was clutching my jaw. When she did the same with the other nipple, my body shuddered, breaking my facade. She raised her head and looked into my eyes with need, her thumbs grazing my nipple all the while.

"Please," her plea almost made me unlock my fingers and grab her.

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