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Alexandra let me hug her with fervor, and was affectionately caressing my hair. I stroke my nose over the length of her neck and place my lips over her pulsating vein. It was ticking rapidly, showing the intensity of her emotions hammering inside her. From the outside, I was calm, but my inside was in an uproar, recollecting her words from last night, what if something happened to me? And her expectant look when I said she can order me anything; I dread thinking, what if she asks me to leave her?

I made a mental note to meet Xavier soon, asking him the status of his last task, and if he succeeded, I promised to release him, unharmed. He was my only hope, he was the only one who could help me to keep Alexandra with me, forever.

With that thought, I pulled her more into me, till I was ball deep inside her, and her buds poked my chest. She didn't resist; instead, she parted her legs further, sensing my yearning gesture. I buried my face in her hair and was surprised when she kissed my temple. I pecked her shoulder, earning a sigh from her; then I kissed the crook of her neck, and she replied to me by raising her neck. Before things went out of control, I leaned over her ear and asked, "Want to go to the fall, now?"

Her trance broke with my abrupt question, and she looked at me dumbfounded but nodded. Grabbing the back of her neck, I kissed her gently, and she immediately closed her eyes, returning the kiss. Locking her legs over my torso, I scooted and stood up from the bed. She was lost and was busy moving her lips over mine, thrusting her tongue into my mouth in between. We both were stark naked, yet I didn't care, and in a flash, I stood over the railing and dropped into the river.

The moment our bodies hit the water, Alexandra gasped in surprise as well as with coldness hitting her body and looked around in bewilderment. The river adjacent to the castle was the endpoint of the waterfall. She clung onto my body, pressing her face against mine, shrieking, "I can't swim."

"I won't let you drown," I said simply, moving towards the waterfall.

"Czar, we are not clothed, someone will see us," she pleaded and glanced around hurriedly, expecting someone to pop up.

"No one will dare to. I thought you wanted to see the waterfall," I changed the topic.

It distracted her, and by the time she turned around, we already reached the waterfall. She was still holding on to me as her life depended on me, but her eyes twinkle seeing the fall, up close. I know she was in a daze when I heard her say, "I never thought it would be huge in reality, unlike how it was in my dream."

Her words caught my attention immediately.

"You saw the fall in your dream, when?"

She was craning her neck to see the starting point of the fall and replied, "The other night when I was drunk, I saw the fall and the castle."

"What else you saw?" I questioned.

She narrated how she was playing with her parents in that dream, and then they soon vanished before she heard my voice. She was still looking at the fall, holding on to my shoulder when it slipped out of her mouth, that it was the same night when I fingered her in her slumber. The moment she said without thinking, her expression froze, and she flushed in embarrassment. I would have teased her, if not for my curiosity.

Her dream proves she still has memories of her earlier life, and it was my touch that unlocked them. This was something I had to discuss with Xavier when I met him.

My chain of thought was broken when she splashed the water over my face and giggled seeing my surprised expression. This was the only time she seemed happy since I brought her here. My dead heart melted seeing her gradually coming out of her shell. Her locks stuck to her side while her white skin was standing out against the river water.

Since this part of the river was shallow, I let her drift. I couldn't understand if it was the sight of water or the chance of leaving the room, but she seemed to enjoy the time. I came out of the river and sat over the grass bedding, looking at her playing with water. Her smile, her giggle resonated, making my chest swell in adoration for her.

Sensing my stare, she too came out of the water and walked towards me. Water dripping and cascading over her smooth skin. My groin twitched when my gaze fell on water halting at her buds and falling like droplets. My gaze followed her action until she stopped before me and leaned down straddling my hips.

"I want to stay here," she murmured, gliding her palms over my arms till my shoulders, going to and fro.

"We can always come back," I said, cupping her face and wiping the water from her lips with my thumb.

Her lips brushed against my thumb when she whispered, "You make me feel special."

I patiently waited for her to say more and place my thumb over her jaw. She leaned her head, touching my lips with hers before saying, "The intense desire you have for me, makes me want to give you my everything, compel me to let you have your way with me."

She pecks my lips before letting out a shaky breath, looking into my eyes, "But I'm scared."

I waited.

She closed her eyes and touched my forehead with hers, "Your world is scary, humans are treated worse than animals, what if, one day you lost your craze for me? I won't be young forever, what will you do to me once you lose your interest in me as I grow old? Will I become a maid or will I be bred for blood?"

That was my undoing.

I smashed my lips over hers harshly. I was furious thinking she took me as a monster. I was furious thinking she assumed I would lose interest in her and discard her. Maybe I didn't succeed in making her realize how much she meant to me, maybe when I made love to her, I wasn't successful.

With that thought, I flipped our position and laid her on the grass. At first, she was scared but gradually gave in. I was sure her moans could be heard till the castle. I didn't restrain myself, I let out all my emotions when I made intense love to her, thinking, maybe now she would never question what I have for her.

"Do you think the madness I have for you will ever extinguish?" I asked her, hovering over her and thrusting her as deep as I wanted to.

This was the first time where I was not gentle. This was the first time I took her as I always fancied. Hard and strong. Over the grass, against the rock, inside the water, there was no place where I didn't keep making love to her. She took me completely, loving every thrust of mine until she lost consciousness.

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