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"Fuck you!"


"Yeah, go on with your daily banter. You are this, you are that; I'm so ashamed of you," I said, stuffing my mouth without bothering to look at my fuming father while replying. This was the routine, and I would have been surprised if he didn't scold me for once.

"You can't curse your siblings. What is up with you early in the morning?" Dad asked, fisting his palm on the table.

Yeah, he could use the same energy he used for scolding me and asking his good-for-nothing son why he stained my t-shirt. How dare he enter my room without my permission—first his mother and now him.

"Correction, they are my half-siblings and about cursing then watch me, hey you fucktard, pass me the milk," I said, nudging my younger brother seated beside me.

Last night I threw water on his bed to enter my bedroom in my absence and take my stationary. If he needed it, he should have waited for me or taken something else but not my deceased mother's stationery. I never used them and preserved them as her remembrance.

"Enough!" He roared my audacity

"Steven, please let it go," Jenny said, trying to calm her husband. There she goes again, her Ms. Goodie two shoe act.

"Yeah, listen to your wife, Dad," I said, ignoring the glare from Dad and pouring milk into the glass.

"She is your mother. That's the fact you will try remembering well," Dad said, palming Jenny's hand, and I couldn't help feeling hurt. Right, he chose her over me, again.

"Fact is, my mother died, and you couldn't wait to make your mistress your wife. So don't rub her as my mother on my face."


My face moved sideways with the slap's impact, and my cheek hurt like a bitch, but I was adamant not to shed a tear.

Inhaling sharply, I stood up from the chair and faced him. "Well done, Dad, well done," I smirked with a clap, although deep down, I wanted to cry.

It was usual for us to fight over petty things, but today he made it clear who was his priority and the small bubble of hope I had; he popped it with his slap.

"Don't let me spoil your family time; I will get out as I have from your life," I swallowed the lump and blinked rapidly before my traitorous tears would fall.

"Alexis," the moment Jenny tried to stop me, I turned around, grabbed my bag, and showed her middle finger.

Yeah, the worst that could happen for my misbehavior will be another slap, but I was out of the house before that could happen.

As soon as I took a turn away from home, I couldn't hold it any longer; leaning on the nearby wall, I touched my reddened cheek, and a sob escaped my lips. The tears that pooled in my eyes started trailing, but I didn't stop them this time. I hiccuped and wiped my tears with the back of my hand.

"It's ok, Lex. You don't need anyone," I kept repeating the mantra I had been fooling myself with for many years.

Wiping the last tear, I straightened up and pulled away from the wall. Masking my face with my practiced cool look, I walked towards the bus stop.


I watched her composing her sad form before walking towards the road. I know I was hard on her when I slapped her, but she was getting out of my hand day by day. I know she needs someone, and I want to be there to hold her, to give her a shoulder whenever she wants to cry, but in no way would I let Alexis disrespect the woman I love. If not for Jenny, I would shatter with heartbreak.

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