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I noticed Salazar had been absent in many of the council, and when I pointed to his consecutive absenteeism to the King, he waved me off. I always knew King Arthur favored him, and it also irked me. This inclination towards Salazar made me want to shred him to pieces.

He thinks he can win over me and get the throne by getting an heir. I would never let him succeed. I couldn't understand how everything he wanted would be served to him on a silver platter. How King agrees to everything he says, even letting a half-human swine rule the kingdom on the pretext of bringing peace between the vampire and human.

Till I'm there, there won't be peace with the human; they will remain a low life. I was sitting in my leisure room when my guard, Cornelius, notified Phillip's arrival.

Cornelius was my guard who I had been using to contact Phillips, a human working under compelling charm to manipulate the filthy Rebels. We found him during one of our raids on Rebels and suited well to be our spy. Cornelius placed him under a compelling power and staged his escape from us. He was labeled as a hero from escaping our clutching, straightening his position among humans.

Whenever I needed his service, Phillips' ring, which was a talisman, would shine, summoning him to be present in my dungeons. It was always Cornelius who would deal with Phillips, as I didn't want my scent to latch on Phillips, revealing my involvement, but Cornelius was finding it hard to compel him. This was my masterstroke, and I needed it to be executed with perfection.

It was I who staged the attack on the castle using Phillips. The peace treaty will break the moment humans will attack the King, and what was the best time to stage the attack than the ball. Although the attack didn't go as I intended, it gave me time to see that hoe and tricked her into believing Salazar was using her. I used her as bait to give verillium to Salazar.

My spies told me she did succeed in giving him verillium, but the pathetic dirt mixed it with the wine receding its effect. He was lucky to survive. I almost thought that plan too failed, but when I heard how he fought for her in the beast's pit and went against King's order, I knew the key to his doom was that human, Alexandra.

I had been trying to get information about her, but that arse kept her well guarded. Neither my spies nor the compelling power on the maids of his castle could get information about her. Noticing Salazar's absence, I formed a new plan and for which I needed Phillips. This would be my masterstroke against Salazar. I will break him and even put a stop to the peace treaty with the rebels.

I stood up from my armchair and walked towards the dungeons, where Phillips was supposed to meet me, hiding from rebels in the dark of the night.

"His Grace," as soon as I entered, he kneeled and bowed his head.

This was the rightful place of all humans and not sitting beside us as equals. I didn't bother asking him to rise; in fact, I was enjoying his pathetic state.

"A witch would be birthing a demon child, which the King will announce as half-human and half-vampire. But truth to be told, that child is a demon. He will look like a human and even behave like one to make you all believe he is human, to fool you into believing you can co-exist peacefully."

"His Grace, can we co-exist peacefully?" Phillips asked me in a daze.

"Look into my eyes," I said; he was stronger than I anticipated and sometimes would question back instead of believing what we made him believe.

The moment he looked into my eyes, I locked his gaze and used stronger forces to control his mind before saying, "No. There is no we; there will always be masters who will be vampires and slaves who would be human. Now, listen to me carefully. The woman in Lord Salazar's castle is a witch, and she will carry a demon that would be the downfall of all humans. That child will bring the apocalypse. Lord Salazar is away; you would be attacking his castle two nights from now."

"Yes, the child is a demon," he nodded his head in a daze, and I narrowed my eyes to incept the lie deeper into his mind.

With a snap of my finger, he was out of his trance and immediately lowered his eyes.

"Forgive me, His Grace, for looking at you," he begged, bowing on the floor.

"Once you kill the witch, you can jump into the river and leave this world," with that, I left.

Salazar, you tried so hard, but I won't let you win. No matter how much the King hides about your absence, I know you are not in your castle, and I will use the opportunity to kill your weakness. There won't be any woman to bear your seeds, and then there won't be a peace treaty. If I can't bear an heir, then too can't have it.

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