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By the time I reached the castle and went into the room, I found her already asleep. This might be one such rare occasion where she slept before me, alone. I haven't spoken to her since I left her with Liam, and her unusual silence was pointing to me that something was bothering her. When I planned to take her to the ball, I thought through every possible scenario to safeguard her. But in none of them, I imagined I had to leave her in his company.

I walked towards the bed and sat on the edge. I noticed she was naked beneath the sheet. The necklace was missing, and when I glanced around, I found it lying carelessly on the vanity. I had to make her understand the importance of that necklace. I don't know why but she looked restless in her sleep, and a deep frown adorned her face.

Did Liam tell her anything that has been bothering her? Liam was an arse, and he knows no limit when he wants to attain something. I wish I could have spoken to her earlier, if not for the urgent council. I undress and slide inside the sheet. The moment I placed my arm around her carefully and leaned over her to kiss her forehead, she stirred and opened her eyes.

I trailed my arms over her neck and stroke her face with my thumb. Instead of seeing the fire in her eyes, I got to see coldness. She blinked twice and was looking at me strangely; maybe she was still in a daze. Or maybe she thought she was still dreaming because of the way she called me; it sounded like she couldn't believe it was me. When the realization hit her, she covered my palm with her small one while the other rested against my chest.

"Go back to sleep, love," I murmured but didnt pull away from her.

I was still hovering over her, trying to find that familiar flame in her eyes.

"You don't want to take me tonight?" She whispered, gliding her palm over my shoulder. Somehow that question didn't sound like an invitation, and I was skeptical to answer her.

Getting no response from me, she grabbed my neck and pulled my face down before I felt her lips on mine. Her kiss was all giving and aggressive, something she never did before. If it was another day, I would have taken it as a triumph; however, tonight, it was different.

After breaking the kiss, she cupped my face and whispered, "Will you do anything that I ordered you to?"

She was stroking her nose against mine affectionately, her gaze running all over my face before she nibbled with my lower lip.

"I always loved your perfect lips," whispering that, she sucked it greedily.

Tonight Alexandra was different.

Bracing my weight over my forearm, I let her do anything. Her actions were intense, aggressive but not wild.

"If I ask you something, will you do it?" She said again, kissing my neck before licking it and then gave a deep suck.

"Anything you want," I whispered, my Adam's apple bobbed, feeling her ministration.

"I want to make love to you," she said softly while pushing me slowly on the bed, and I let her.

She always complies with my demands and submitted easily in bed. This was the first time she was asking to take the lead, and I obliged. I should have been elated when she said she wanted to make love, but instead, it made me dreadful.

Straddling my torso, she locked my hands with hers and kissed me. What started with a kiss turned into an intense love-making we ever had. Usually, I would give her time before I take her again, but tonight, she didn't intend to break free of me even for a fraction.

During her orgasm, she would kiss me with fervor and would begin kissing my neck, biting my shoulder, all the while my shaft would be still inside her. My woman turned into a wild kitten, leaving her marks over my back and my neck. I was half laying on the bed and peering down at the fragile monster, kissing my nipple while I coiled her distracting hair around my fist.

Every night, I would give her, but tonight the table turned. Tonight it was all about her giving her everything to me, which I readily accepted. It was my turn to be lost in her forgetting that she was unusual.

She surprised me when she ordered me to stand before kneeling between my legs. I stifled a moan when she held my shaft in her hand and started rubbing it. Her actions were inexperienced, but that didn't recede the pleasure it was giving me. My jaw clenched when her lips touched my tip, her gaze locked with mine when he took me inside her mouth. I was looking down at her with my hooded eyes, and the sight of her pink lips around the shaft was threatening to be my undoing. I didn't want to lose my composure and tàke control. It was getting difficult for me to let her take control since she didn't know how to lead, yet she was trying.

It was near dawn when we reached the end of our intense lovemaking that night. Her last demand had taken me aback. She wanted me to fill her every hole at the same time, standing at her favorite spot in the gallery, watching the waterfall and the sunrise. At first, I hesitated to take her virgin arse, realizing it would be more excruciating than what she felt when I entered her virgin pussy but the lust to claim her in every sense kicked my rationality out. Also, she was persistent that I should fulfill her last demand.

The sky was changing color from night's blue to a darker shade of orange against the waterfall. Alexandra's moans were filling the morning silence, along with the sound of my balls hitting her arse. I was pounding her hole vigorously while my fingers were fingering her pussy. Her body was exhausted, yet she was trying her best to stand on her feeble legs.

"Salazar," she cried, clutching the railing so hard that her knuckles turned white.

I knew she was almost there. Coiling her hair with my other arm, I yanked her shuddering body back. Smashing my lips on hers, I entered my tongue inside her mouth while increasing my pace. A few heartbeats later, she cried out in pleasure with every hole of her filled by me. I broke the kiss, seeing her go breathless. She slumped over my chest in exhaustion, and I had to support her body, grabbing her waist. The moment she opened her eyes, a lone tear escaped, and her face was adorned with a sad smile. Before I could contemplate, her eyes rolled back, and she laid unconscious in my arms.

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