Happy Valentines Day-Z

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Quote for Today's Chapter

"Gravitation is not responsible for people falling in love."-Albert Einstein

Happy Valentines Day everyone.

Some advice. If somebody expects you to give them some chocolate or candy for valentines day, then give em' a snickers bar. If they don't think it's romantic then it's their fault. They're the one who wanted it. Forget the whole expensive, giant heart-shaped case of assorted chocolate.

But remember this. Don't only choose Valentines Day to show your love for some one. You should love them a lot every day of the year. Now don't go out to a fancy candle-lit dinner every day 'cause that's a little overboard. However, say those little things like I love you or give them a random hug. It's the little things that count sometimes.

Now I need to express my love.

Dear Books.

They say you can't buy happiness but you can buy books so isn't that the same thing?

Also, 50 Shades of Grey came out. I know, I know, it's a perfect date for Valentines day.

Anyways, we have a section in a theatre called the Big D that shows 3-D movies. The almost pornographic movie, 50 Shades of Grey, is playing there.

Until next time my fellow robots, with lot's of smiley faces, goodbye.

=) =) =) =) =)

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