The Overrated Game of Football and My Nieces-Z

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I must say that I had a fun weekend.

My extremely adorable nieces came down with my sister and brother and law.

My nieces are Melanie and Mackenzie. They are five year-old fraternal twins and completely adorable. Melanie a bit girly while Mackenzie is such a tomboy.

Then there is Madeline or Maddie. She is two years-old and has limitless energy and talks forever.

This weekend, I learned that Mackenzie like to sing All About that Bass. Melanie was her usual self and Maddie fell in love with tea so it was a fun weekend.

Right now I am figuring out how the extremely overrated sport of Football works.

A touchdown gets you six points then you kick the egg-like ball through the fork thingy from the ground and get an extra point, but I already know that. What I just learned is that if you kick the weird ball through the yellow thing, you get three points.

There is a bunch of other stuff that I could explain but...

1, Football is getting on my nerves right now because the Dallas Cowboys CAN'T PULL IT TOGETHER

2, I don't want to confuse you because, TRUST ME, it is confusing.

I know you may be shocked to hear that I actually like to watch football. I'm a Dallas Cowboys fan.

But I do agree that it is overrated and you hear about it too much.

"Football this, Football that." BLEH.

It's ridiculously confusing for something you hear about WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY too much.

Until next time my fellow emotionless robots, with lots of smiley faces, goodbye

=) =) =) =) =)

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