How was I in love with a jerkish funion ring?~L

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Ok so Facebook is the root of all my rants and this is no different. Except that this one is about an ex crush of mine instead of annoying girl.

So lets take a look at what went down:

So I was scrolling through good old Facebook and well I saw that an ex crush of mine had posted something about a video against abortion. He said it was the stupidest thing he ever saw and that the whole thing was retarded (he's actually a retard cuz he said GET A DICTIONARY!) and how abortion was fine but the commercial against it was stupid and *effing* annoying.

Like excuse me, hi, yeah, I wish ur mom had the same mind set when she was gonna have u!

And I applaud the young rebel that told his smart ellick butt off in the commenst.

I really wish people had compassion.

Rant mode activated.

An abortion is taking away the life. Abortion is murder. It doesn't matter if they can't speak or walk.

Let me use an example.

My grandma has dimentia and Alzheimer's and basically she's almost like a small child. She can't talk, she screams and cries and can't tell us why, she can't walk, and she doesn't know who we are, and someone has to do everything for her.

But I would never kill my grandma just because she can't do some things. She's still my maw-maw!!!!

There's a film on abortion that they showed at our church. Ill find out the name and paste it here later because it is coming out in theaters later this year I think.

And you guys know I don't cry over much. Ill tell myself to suck it up and move it. So if I say that me and Becca and our friend Cheyenne were all torn up after the impact of this movie, well it'll just tear YOU people too pieces. And I'll admit that they wiped their tears and moved on, while I, being a sappy fiction writer at times, sat in the pew and stared at the blank screen for a while.

I footage go cuz I got church in about seven nine hours and I WANT SLEEP!



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