Lacey~ Have ye no shame?

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My first annual Breeme (pronounced- Bri-eme.) is attached

Ok so you guys know I rant about literally errthing.

today is no different.

Let the double feature begin.

*claps and opens curtain revealing a slideshow*

Alright so I have intervention/enrichment/extention with a whole class of preps and overall jerks.

But there's one guy in particular that makes me pretend I'm on the office and make weird faces at a wall pretending it's a camera.

He uses the word 'bruh' 'boss' and 'dude' on a regular DANG basis.

And there's no rhyme or reason to his madness he's just one of those people who opens his mouth and a flood of stupid comes out. And the thing is, he's a straight A student but Hes so STUPID. Hes a genius on paper but he opens his mouth and you legit want to grab his throat and turn off his vocal box.

Like he's actually pretty hot and I liked him for about two weeks, then he opened his mouth.

Let me paint a picture for ya here.

Yes sooooooooooo hot. I mean abrecombie model meets/British boy hot.

But there is a meter for was going over for this guy.

Then he opened his mouth and oh looky there, the meter was so far down, that it actually exploded like springs flying and everything.

So yeah. His voice and choice of words like saying 'Bruh that's so boss' and 'Dude, she's so finnneee!' Makes me wanna smack him with a book called 'Proper English for idiots who do live in America and have for their entire life BUT STILL CHOOSES TO TALK LIKE AN IDIOT!'

And rant number 2 for this chapter.

So it's snowing like crazy for a while and we were out of school all last week and probably will be for the rest of this week too! But my family took a trip to wally world (Wal-Mart) and I was looking at the veggies and fruits when I looked to my left where one of the main aisle is and we'll I lost all faith in humanity.

This girl who had boobs the size of Texas, and she had an iPhone clipped to the hem of the neck of her shirt. And I mean smack dab I. the middle of her chest......

I can't take walmartians.

Anyway I have recently discovered that Briannas face is Apollo memeable. So now I take her pics and create memes.

Newest one is attached!!!!

I think the BriBear Meme should be an annual thing.

It is now. That's I thing. I just said so.

I'm gonna call it a Breeme (pronounced- Bri-eme)

Ok byeeeeeeee


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