AAayyyyeee -breyonce

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So, how are you guys.... 


lol Idk how to start off this chapter. 

So Brain Talk is pretty much this 4 person diary that evolved from me trying to make a book about my scientific thoughts and theories. 

XD it's been so long since I have really made any progress with my stories and stuff. I mean legit, I haven't written in so long. I have the motivation to, it just doesn't work out.

I want to write about soo mucchh thooo, I've been recently elaborating on this one idea about this outcast witch that has to go on a mission w/ these other peeps to go rescue the King's daughter, even after all of the abuse she's received from the royal family. I'm planning on coupling her with the prince but i don't really know. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Lol I've also been thinking about another story about a dystopian/utopian future, like there was some sort of epidemic like thing and so a bunch of people built this realllly high platform thing that they prepared as a place where people could seek out shelter from the radiation/disease thing. But instead of making it City of Emberish and making them lose the instructions I'm  just planning on having the Leader/Principal chick be reaally against going back down to earth and so she just refuses to go through with the plan. 

Eventually though kids at this main school place (it's pretty much a giant high school/college place where the smartest kids go to learn how to maintain order and the platform thing so that they can be prepared for taking over leadership when they get old enough) start to figure out that the platform place is only temporary cus they start running out of supplies and pretty much everything goes to crap. 

The main character is pretty much this girl who gets accepted into the school and makes friends with this other dude who is like major tsundere, and he likes books and he's like writing books about how he imagines earth cus like when he was a kid his grandmother had all of these books that were about earth and like farmers and cities and even though they were marked as fiction he really liked them and pretty much they're gonna be a cute lil couple and she's gonna like read his books and help him write them and it's like his dream to go down below the platformy thing and omg I've written like 3 paragraphs about this, get it together Brianna. 

But another thing is like everyone is assigned a house and everyone gets equal amounts of food and water and electricity so it's like "In a world where everyone is equal, the only thing that can differentiate you is your honor" and like pretty much you can either honor or shame your family and stuff and idk I really need to write ~(◕︵◕)~

Soo.. idk that's all i got... I should go and like take off my mattresses' mattress covers (lol idk if i did that right, is it mattress' or mattresses' ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ banana) and get boxes out from under my bed cus we're going to exchange it with another one that's not a bunk bed

Don't be a frabjous scop or a schlemiel, be a cachinnating flumadiddle unicorn that cavils at a syzygy 

... I love's word of the day :3

peaccee ♫♪˙˙♫♪

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