Brianna- OCDU

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After seeing the video on the side of this chapter I came up with it!

So OCDU is an acronym that stands for; Obsessive Compulsion Disordered United.

So i figured since u know ocd ppl like to ORGANIZE and cant STAND messes, they should totally be in a government organization where all the ocd ppl get together and ORGANIZE America!!!

They'd probably do much better than Barack Obama. jk jk, I mean like but America needs some organization!! SO COMMENT AND VOTE IF U LIKE MY IDEA AND MAYBE IT CAN GET SO POPULAR THAT IT WILL ACTUALLY HAPPEN :O!!!

So also I have come across a BIG FAT BOLD LIE!!!

Did you know that McDonald's owns 98% of the worlds worm farms, but own 0% of the worlds cattle ranches?

Well, it's false!!!!

There has been a rumor that McDonald's hamburgers are made of worm meat. This rumor dates back to at least 1978, or possibly earlier. One account of the story claims it was dug up by 60 Minutes. The show has never aired a segment on this or any similar theme. Other variants have credited other investigative journalism shows for the "shocker". Some versions of the tale have it being revealed in a talk show chat with company CEOs, though it is unlikely that business people would even be interesting enough to be booked and appear on a talk show.

However, some posit that neither McDonald's nor any other restaurant would use worms, for the simple reason that worms cost more per unit of weight . While worm meat is considered very nutritious , and contains no gristle, to use worms as filler would seem to be more expensive than using actual beef. McDonald's has gigantic shipments of meat it regularly orders from cattle farmers. If one were to suppose that worm meat were used, one would have to justify the small proportion of the U.S. population involved in worm farming. At an Atlanta press conference, officials, backed by a regional officer of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, denounced the rumors as "completely unfounded and unsubstantiated", and swore that the company's hamburgers contain nothing but beef. From Newsweek, November 27, 1978. McDonald's released a letter from the U.S. Secretary of Agriculture in 1982, attesting to McDonald's burger's pure beef content. It was used as proof in a rebuttal press conference on October 1 of that year, against the rumor.

This above me, was pasted from this website; !

After my friend informed me of this I didn't believe it. I pushed it aside, but just in case u thought so, theres 2 paragraphs proving you wrong!!!

Pretty much why the burgers are so weird looking is this, they process the meat SOOOOO much that it becomes a pasty mixture, so yeah its pink paste stuff, but in reality its beef, just you know its not as healthy as unprocessed meat.

 Also, this is what evolved from the conversation afterwords,

Him- So have you eaten one of mcdonald's cheeseburgers? 

Me- Yah

Him- Then you've never tasted real beef

Me- Yes I have I ate cube steak from a jersey cow just the other day!

Me- A jersey btw is a really pretty cow

Him- See, beef is like pageant stars, they look good on the outside but arent good on the inside, So you haven't had GOOD cow meat, because all jersey cows are, is for looks

Me- But it was delicious... Btw where are you getting this logic?

Him- Well my dad makes yummy burgers from not pretty cows so I'm just using logic!

Okay, so here's my question;

Have you ever had a convo with someone that was SOO irrational that you wanted to slap the person in the face as much as you wanted to leave? Also, what was the convo about?

anyways PEACE OUT

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