Life -Brianna

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Here I am once again, writing this... thing...

But yeah sooo, guess what amazing thing just happened in my liiiiffeee???


Probz not I mean, being sick is not usually the first thing under the amazing list.

Yup, I is sick. It's really just a summer cold but considering there's a pool party tomorrow and I'm leaving for a week long camp on Sunday... I WOULD LIKE TO GET BETTER!!!!!

I mean it's not too bad, atm I just finished eating blueberry muffins and I feel pretty well. Like I'm really tired, hot, and my throat's a bit tight but other than that I'm good to go.

But the reason I call it amazing is because it reminds us of things to be thankful for. Simply feeling well is something to be thankful for. Being able to hear and speak. Going to school. Having freedom. Having safe air to breathe. And no matter how harsh your life may be you ALWAYS have at least something to be thankful for.

Even if that something is just that fact that someone is praying for you.

Even if you don't know the person, there's always someone.

It will at least be me!

But always remember, pain is temporary. (I mean... at least earthly pain)


French the llama, why do I keep writing deep stuff?

But anyways, so back onto stuff to do with me life,

right now it's summer and so far it's been pretty good, my sister is home and I bought a mouse so now I can play LOL and minecraft again.... (I've been writing down stuff in my lol notes to be a better player cus I'm preeetty noob)

I feel really bad about not recently communicating with (Megan)Mega_Geek, it was mainly because I didn't have a working mouse and so I felt like if I talked with her we couldn't do anything together (STUPPIDD MEEE) and then a buuunch of other crap went down (which I shall not speak of) and so thaatt, and then I talked to her a bit, and then.. not..., and now I'm sick ssooo yah..

uuurrff IMma go now, have a happy life! :D

(p.s. Bengal cats are fantabulous creatures)

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