L~In 2017 Facebook will cause Teen Pregnancy

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So interesting title eh???


Ok so you people know that I am annoyed by many types of people

Jerks, preps, valley chicks, IDIOTS,

scary smart people, politicians, IDIOTS, People who don't get sarcasm, IDIOTS, people who hate on fiction, People who feel the need to have a significant other or they will die, people who drive slow, people who don't drive fast, and lastly, IDIOTS.

So take a guess at which one we're gonna discuss today.

If you guessed people who feel the need to have a significant other or they will die then...well...plz refer to a differently rant chapter of mine...I have plenty.

If you guessed IDIOTS, then here's your trophey.

So Facebook obviously irks me a little more than it should considering I'm 13.  Welllllll today a chick from our school took the whole 'Lacey hates us so lets keep posting about baes' to a WHOOOLLLLLEEEE other level.

I'm not gonna say exactly what she said because I can't force my fingers to type that.

But she basically said that

'Teen Mons shouldn't get ragged on because they had a child early.' And 'if they think they're mature enough then its their choice.'

Let me just give u an accurate description of my reaction.(I even got into the Xmas spirit with my reaction)

*holds up pointer finger*

Ho ho hold up!

*looks around pretending to talk to crowd of homegirls when in reality she's talking to walls and a tree.*

Did she just go there? Who she think she be?

So let me explain why she is an idiot and why I can almost assure u she will be a teen mother.

Ok so lets just start here. I think that having sex before marriage is wrong in the first place. And I'm pretty sure ur not gonna get married as a teenager because its illegal in most, if not all states in the U.S.. (when I say teenager I mean like 15-17)

And in this time period well not many people still even get married while their teens.

Now lets go into the more complicated crap.

If the pregnancy wasn't planned (I do not mean unsafe sex u idiots) like if the girl was raped and she's still a teen. Then that's the only understanding I have for teen mothers.

Because I'm a Christian so I'm 100% against sex before marriage but I'm also totally against abortion.

Therefore, if a girl is a teen mother by choice and by reason of believing she is 'mature enough' and 'ready', I literally will probably be greatful that you wanted to have a child. But slap you because well, YOU'RE STILL A TEENAGER.

But if the pregnancy was forced and you decided to raise the child instead of getting it aborted, more power to you!

Don't get me wrong, I'm proud of the women who raise kids on their on without anyone but the lords help, but seriously I don't see the point of sex before marriage and to line up with my Christian beliefs then you'd kinda have to be married as a teen to go with it.

So yeah.

I just don't like that this girl was so nonchalant about the whole thing.

Not to mention she's just....nvm I'm just gonna keep my hand over my mouth.


So until my next Facebook rant!!!!


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