I'm So Bad with Technology and Saving the Ducks-Z

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If you couldn't already tell, I feel like posting my feelings.

Now let's talk ducks for a moment.

They technically don't get wet because they have a special oil on their feathers. However sometimes, when they swim in polluted waters which are now becoming increasingly common, it damages this oil and then gets their feathers wet. Their feathers get dirty, the ducks can get sick, and a bunch of other stuff. That's why I am now starting D.A.B.S.

That stand for Ducks Are Being Saved.

Save the ducks from pollution. Please. Spread this throughout Wattpad. You are not alone in this. My robot army(just in case you forgot, I'm a robot who is the king of the Robot Empire)is helping. Please. Every person counts.


Any person that knows me, most definitely knows that I am extremely, wildly, TERRIBLE, with technology. My school made the mistake of putting me in a computer class. I should have been put in gym. You should see me try to turn a computer on. Today I was just messing everything up. I should go to prison for being so bad with technology.

With lots of smiley faces, until next time my fellow robots, goodbye.

=) =) =) =) =)


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