Lacey~Stop with the smart people talk...

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SO I have a response to dear old Jason's response to MY Ebola talk.

Btw Jason I know u copied all that info from a site or something cuz guess what? There's too many night words that u don't know in there.


Anyway, Jason u had a good point about the kissing thing. But I'm still right. Because I'm just always right even if I'm wrong I'm always right.

U should've learned that by now.

On to further intellectually challenging things!

So I don't honestly know why but like these couple questions occurred to me while I was laying in a couch.

And yes I said IN a couch it is not a typo.

So ill just list them.

1: Why does the middle school hormone raged teens population totally just faint at the thought of getting to go to a dance with someone?

2:Why every year does everyone remember my birthday until the day of my bday. Then everyone forgets. (Nov.10)?????

3. What is in this delicious chocolate pudding?!?!?!

Well ok just like everyone answer. Until next time then.


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