Lace~My encounter with a different life form

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So QOTD: WHY IS THE HUMAN POPULATION SO STUPID. Like my throats nearly killed me all day and this girl from school wanna be like: *prep voice* HOW CAN YOU GO FROM BEING TOTALLY FINE YESTERDAY TO BEING OH SO VERY SICK TODAY?

........ We all know what happened after that. I ripped out her vocal chords and threw them all the way across the county where her ex-boyfriend lives. He mailed them back and I went to his house and shoved them down his throat so now he talks like her......

So yeah we all know I didn't do that. *muttering while crossing arms* Stupid 'No infliction upon others' rule....

But I did let my sassy side take over.

Ok so u guys should be aware that when I don't feel ok it good, my Beyonce side comes out. A.K.A. 'My sarcastic, Smarty pants, don't touch me, don't talk to me, don't look at me, don't think of me, don't breathe around me, in fact just don't breathe, THANKS' Attitude.

So yeah I told her off. I'm not even sorta proud. Nope I'm VERY PROUD.

So this is how my comeback went.

'Just because I came to school doesn't always mean I'm lolly dandy fine singing show tunes. No I've felt bad all day and the last thing I need is you acting like I legitimately HAVE to answer to you. Frankly dear, my life is NONE of your buisness. Now leave me be you peasant!'

So can I accept my trophy now?

Trophy for what, you ask?

Trophy for being queen of comebacks and the world. Thank you.

*Bows while tears fall* Thank you so much! I have so many people to thank!  *Pulls out paper*

First I'd like to thank you dumb idiots from my school that cause my sarcasm radar to go off like a police scanner! And to all my friends for coming up with new ones! And to you fans who think i'm a bo$$ even though I'm usually a wimp!

Ok I should go now. Jason Derulos on (Lol inside joke between us authors.)

Stay sassy!  *Snaps fingers across body in z formation*

And remember. If you fan think of a comeback then please just say this.

'Sweetie did it hurt when you fell on your face? Oh wait nevermind you didn't fall your just naturally that way...'

........ Ikr.

Oh and ill be posting a chapter right after this of my sarcastic comebacks.

Give me two shakes of a Lamb stick and it'll be posted.

See ya in like 2 seconds!!!



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