Lacey~So ish went down at lunch...

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Hello u nerds of weirdness. Its ur loyal and faithful 1/3 of Le trio.

So apparantly zach (z-fun2001) thinks that his fictional characters(Just characters in the books we are writng) are better than mine. Now lets be real, i know mine are waaaaaaay better, you guys know mine are awesomer, and inside that cold muscle pumping a mixture of a bunch of chemicals that we call his 'frozen heart', he knows it too.

But i decided that since i WAS a little harsh on him at lunch today about the whole sitch, i thought i would come on here and do something that progresses humanity instead of starting yet another world war because of fictional characters. So first  i'm just gonna list a few things about all of us in le good ole friend group. (Feel free to skip ahead)

Zach: CAN be nice at some points in the day, fantastic science partner, is the best at designs on bottle rockets (ROTISEIRE HIPPE ZACH) its an inside joke, can fanperson wth me (Person because i aint sexist), and knows how to laugh at not only others expense but at himself to.

Bri: Rocks le poof with me so i dont feel like a loser, is the queen of erthing, is my fellow creator of iggyancye (DO.NOT.ASK.), hates school food but brianna-fies it so its kinda not really maybe a little but absolutely not perf, has gotten me into some pretty weird fashion trends (funny story about bri on tacky day later btw), and is the bestest guuuurrrrrlllfrand i could have ever wished for

JayJay: likes weird anime, loves doramon (hes a loser), is always there when i need him, hates being ignored, refers to his siblings as the thieves, has a swimming pool, didnt really like me at all when i first joined the group.

Becca: Has only met bri, margee, and yeah no thats it, goes to church with me, rocks the pof with me at church cuz bri isnt there to not make me feel like a loser, is faboooooo, texts me like a madwoman, has a scary but hilariously awesome momma, and will quote movies with me for 5 hours while we r stuck in a church van. and loves to kill my sheet weave!!!!!!!!!!

Now onto less mental abusive things.

!!!!!!!!! i almost forgot the tacky day story!!!

So a couple days ago it was tacky day at school and nobody in our group went tacky. Well everyone complimented bri on her tacky day attire and all the effort she had put into it. Well we were heading to lunch and when we got in line, our english teacher came over to our group and looked at brianna and goes

"This is just a normal day for you, isnt it brianna?" well at this point im like holding my stomach laughing but bri couldnt let it stop ther. No like the creative child she is she says

"Today isnt tacky day, its the day when everyone gets to share me" and if u dont get that then basically she said that tacky day was her day and everyone got share something she lives by;  abnormal clothing choices.

So adios for now u little awesome freaks!

OH YEAH HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

im gonna do a halloweeen update tmrw so be on the lookout for a chap about tips for having a fantabulous halloween


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