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So I need you guys to be serious for a second.

Heaven got another beautiful angel today and she is smart, wonderful, funny, sweet to everyone, worked hard, smiled through the tears, and was a fighter.

She dated my cousin for w hole and when they broke up I thought that I would not get to talk to her ever again. Boy was i wrong. That girl has been such a blessing in everyone's life. Anyone who met her, met an angel on earth.

She had cystic fibrosis. It's a lung disease and she had to get a lung transplant about five years ago.

Well a couple weeks back, her transplant-lungs got infected and she was rushed to the hospital.

The doctors gave her medicine and did everything they could. Her mom tried to get the doctors to reconsider another lung transplant after being turned down when her lungs first got infected. They gave her an answer Wednesday. No.

We all knew it was a matter of time but I thought it wouldn't be for months and months. But no.

Little did we all know that after being told the result of the doctors reconsiderment, she would be gone three days later.

I am not stopping the tears falling right now. I need to get it out because its the only way I could ever accept her death.

The thing is, not four months ago, she graduated from medical school and was on her way to save other lives.

So here's my final farewell to April Cogdell.

Dear April,

You were beautiful, smart, funny, bubbly, witty, sarcastic, a hard worker. I am prouder than ever of your degree and all the effort you've put into your life choices. I

DONT hold anything against

you for what happened with my cousin. I know it was mutual and you two just weren't right. I wish you would've got the chance to become an amazing nurse/doctor. You worked so hard and deserved it more than anyone I know. When anyone else would've been out drinking and partying you were studying your butt off to do what you love.

You held out for five more years when we thought you would die a while agom I can't thank God enough for giving you 22 years on this earth. You blessed so many people and touched so many lives in those 22 short years.

May all of the people you touched, hold all of the memories they had of you. I know I will. I will never forget the day I met you. I was only about 5 or 6.

I can't remember everything clearly about the time I speant with you but the ones I can, are burned in my mind.

So thank you for blessing my life by allowing me to know and live you like everyone else who met you.

I'll never forget you April Cogdell.

I love you, you little frog loving, five foot tall, high heel wearing, thin long haired, size double zero, amazing nurse.

Goodbye for now,


So guys I'm just gonna leave some hashtags because I don't think I can type straight anymore.

#PrayForAprilsFriendsAndFamily (Me included)




EDIT: So my mom and I were talking about her and some memories we had of her. And apparently when she and my cousin were dating, everytime I saw her I would make sure I planted my but right beside her. And I always carried a notebook and drew dress designs for she and my cousins wedding. She apparently adored having me aorund and when I said I couldn't wait for then to get married so I could spend the night at their house, she said she would bake the cokies and I would bring the movies.

So one last time

Make them smile in heaven, April.

Cookies and Frogs,


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