So Many things to Rant-I Mean Talk About-Z

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Well...the Cowboys lost. To the Packers.

I guess I'll have to live up to the deal we made with our family friend that we have to pull for the Packers now. It would have been the other way around for her if the Cowboys had won.

Now I am going to rant about-wait, did I say rant, uh, I mean, uhm, talk, yeah, talk about some other stuff.

Right now, I am pretty sick. However, this is worse than usual sickness because I am suppose to go to the spelling bee and geography bee.

In fifth grade, I got into the spelling bee but I wasn't able to go because I got pneumonia. Then, in sixth grade, I made the geography bee, but I couldn't go because I got bronchitis.

Now I have been pretty sick for a while but it wasn't anything to where I needed to be out of school. It was just a really bad cough. Now I've got a fever and if it gets worse, I'll be really annoyed and really sad.

Annoyed because it will be the third time this has happened.

Sad because it will be another thing that I have missed out on that I am really excited about.

Until next time mt fellow robots, with lots of smiley faces, goodbye.

=) =) =) =) =)

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