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Hello my faithful readers who haven't tried to kill me even though this is two days late.

See these are the tines when I'm ok with Jase and Bri uploading every other day.

So I hear Brianna wrote a chapter about me

*Poofs hair* Because girl I'm fabulous.

Inner-conscious: More like because you are an overly dramatic fan girl.

Shut up.

Maybe I talk to myself.

Anyway even though I hate to admit it...

Her accusations were 100% true.

I am a pshyco fangirl.

I absolutely loved her view of fangirlism.

Because even though we all love the actual book, we would change it, miss the old plot, then change back.

The Fault In Our Stars is an amazing example F.Y.I.

(Props to Brianna for remembering one of my favorite books.)

I love the it ended. Of course I cried about seven times but got over it.

Anyway if it meant I would meet John And Hank Green, I might just change the entire book.

John Green is one of the best authors ever. I have read three of his six books.

T.F.I.O.S. has already been

made a movie but two of his other books are being made as we speak.

He and his brother Hank have started a YouTube channel for nerds. So if you love learning, humor, or just the aura of nerds, go check it out.

The name:


They also started a group called:


I don't know if you guys would like the website. Therefore I suggest you join the Facebook page.

Which is also called: Nerdfighteria

You can see what other nerds do for fun and you get to post your opinions.

Their motto is



alright so I need to go.


What's your fave book on wattpad?

(Bri, Jase it cannot be anime!)

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