Lacey~*Derp Face* bad...

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Forgive me, for I have sinned against you loyal and faithful readers...

I just realized as I was re-downloading the official wattpad app (some crazy tech crap has been going down 'tween me and good ole wattpad beta) and I was like 'I'm a horrible person and deserve no happiness because, oh looky there, not one of us in lé trio has updated since Jason's installment on.......October 11 of 1989 (vote if u get the T.S. ref! ;) :P XD)

So in spirit of not wanting to get killed by u crazy balls of weird, I have a few little topics to discuss.

Lé first topic will be: Why is everyone turning into pansycakes because Ebola is in the U.S.A ???????

My take on this: Ebola is spread through bodily fluids. As long as you're not sticking your hand into am unflushed toilet, taken up the occupation of being a Kleenex, or purposely stick your hand down peoples throats, then bruh ur practically home free!

Like legit I watch this show (Home & Family. Hallmark channel. Weekdays)

And they had a guest doctor as a speaker about Ebola and EVEN HE WAS LIKE 'AS LONG AS UR NOT AROUND THE PEOPLE WHO HAVE HAD IT, THEN UR FINE AND DANDY'

I mean I understand why people are freaking out, not to mention we had just learned about the black death when the first Ebola victim was brought to 'murica. But like I don't see why some people are just like moving inorganic safehouses with like reusable toilet paper and canned tuna. Like its not THAT big of a deal.

Lé second topic: TWATNESS O' WATTPAD.

like my wattpad has been glitching up in all new types of ways and I CANT TAKE IT ANYMORE. IM LEGIT JUST THINKING BOUT SAYING SCREW IT AND JUST NOT WRITING.

but I wont because wattpad has become my sorry pathetic core around which my world revolves.

Halloween- basically this is just a warning that if any of u come and decide to stalk me and attack me on Halloween then just feel warned that I'm taking a can of pepper spray with me when I go trick or treating u little twats.

Sickness- I have been sick the last while and I am about up to my neck in snotty tissues and throat losanges.

So yeah.

Well enough of this.

I promise to try to give u guys some more until I can pursue the other twats on here to come and help me.

Farewell, u weird and magically twats (ma new wurd)

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