Chapter 51 - The Dracula Conversation Continues

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Alucard P.O.V.

We'd been up for a while. Breakfast was a jumble of comments on the food and rehashing of the jokes we liked from the shows we watched the night before. I had to plug my ears a few times because of Blockhead's excessively loud guffaws over a few lines the puppets made, but it was funny that Y/N was doing the voices so well.

"Polish a turd, its still a turd!" she repeated while Belmont's loud laughter shook the room.

"Aw shut the hell up!" Sypha tried to imitate the voice of the grumpy puppet.

When Belmont looked at Y/N, she imitated the grumpy puppet perfectly and said, "I don't know. She rolled over, jumped on her menstrual cycle and ran my ass over!" His laughter prompted her to say, "It even makes a noise! It goes nag-na-nag-nag-nag-nag-biiiitch-bitch-biiiitch-bitch-biiiitch."

I had to laugh this time. Not just because of how Belmont laughed till he nearly cried, but at the look on Sypha's face when she realized the joke was pointed at her. She looked at Y/N and smacked her on the shoulder before she picked up a napkin from the table, balled it up and threw it at Blockhead. Now it was time for more of a serious conversation.

We had decided that we'd go outside for a change. Restaurants and amusement parks aside, we really hadn't done anything as a group just to enjoy some sunlight. Y/N got together some things we could do at the park, such as volleyball and something she called frisbee golf, packed up the car and we left to go to the largest park in her town.

When we arrived, the view was absolutely beautiful. Since being here, I hadn't really seen many trees other than those planted along the streets and a few small clusters here and there, but I'd been missing the wide open spaces that surrounded my home. Tall trees that had been there for hundreds of years that hid all manner of creatures, large and small, secret ponds to cool off in and soft grass that invited you to take a nap in. And here, even as the weather was beginning to turn toward winter, an expanse of large trees opened up to a lovely meadow filled with multiple colors of wild flowers. Slightly taller grass swayed in the warm breeze and held it's own collection of fallen leaves that it displayed for all to see.

Y/N ushered us over to a section of the meadow that would give us the most shade from the sunlight and proceeded to hand out drinks and sandwiches for our impromptu lunch, all of us welcoming the change of scenery. It was then that I decided to talk about my father and mother.

"Y/N? I was thinking about what you were saying about Mother and Father."

"Yes?" she responded expectantly.

"I think you're right. I think that if you were to bring them back, it would be best that they go back to my time and fix as much as they can."

"That's a bold thing to say," Belmont said with a scowl. "The thought that he might show back up there would definitely put a slight dent in my day."

"Yes, but Trevor, you must understand," Sypha interceded, "This isn't just because he wants his mother back. Its in an effort to right the wrongs left behind."

"I get that, Sypha. Believe me I do. It's just that part of the problem was because of his anger, and I'm not entirely sure its a good idea to unleash him on the world again."

I sighed to myself. I knew this would be the way Belmont thought. After all, he and his family have tried to do away with Dracula for generations. Now that he's gone, its almost like his quest is complete, but the things that happened because of him have yet to be undone and that means he has even more work to do.

"Guys," Y/N said. "I understand where you're coming from, Trevor. I really do. After all, your whole family made a business of getting rid of evil. However, you can't deny that while he was with Lisa, Dracula became a completely different person. You never heard of him rampaging through the land, killing and destroying everything he got his hands on."

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