Chapter 73 - Meanwhile, Back At The Ranch...

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Author P.O.V.

Carmilla was restless. Her tapping footsteps rung through the halls, guards and hangers on scurrying back and away into the darkness, as she made her way to the war room where her sisters asked her to meet. She knew something was on the horizon, something exciting and bloody awaited her on the other side. Her dead heart seemed to begin beating in anticipation of what was to come and adrenaline ran through her veins like a war horse in a hard gallop...and that made her extremely restless.

Knowing her sisters, they would go on and on about how much planning had to go into making that dream of hers come true, how they had to make sure they had every eventuality covered and reassurance should something not work out the way intended, why they needed to have all of it done before they began, and how the Forgemaster needed to be coddled and blah blah blah....and it was also the last thing she wanted to hear. She knew better! She knew she would take the place of Dracula on the throne and oversee her plans come to fruition no matter how many soldiers, dead or otherwise, it took. She could smell her victory and wanted it now!

Walking purposefully though the door, she saw Morana siting in her chair with papers and scrolls piled upon the table, her fingers holding a quill that deftly made it's way over the half filled paper before her. She stopped briefly to grab the goblet sitting in front of her to take a generous sip of the blood within, a satisfied sigh escaping before going back to her papers.

"What do you do, dear sister?" Carmilla asked, even though she already knew.

"I'm making sure we plan where the culling of our herd will be. No wasted movements so when we take Dracula's castle, the soldiers will have less fatigue and enough food," she said with an air of superiority. "If we're going to claim what was once Dracula's castle," she began and was interrupted.

"When we claim it," Carmilla stressed.

Morana sighed and continued, "When we claim it, we have to make sure that should we run into problems, such as food supplies or the creation of more night creatures and soldiers, we'll have the sacrificial needs seen to."

"There will be no need for sacrifices, Morana," Carmilla retorted. "Dracula is dead, we have one of his Forgemasters and the only person to stand in our way is his son, Alucard. He will be easy enough to take care of with our combined forces of soldiers and night creatures." She sighed heavily as she poured herself a goblet of blood and sat down at the table. Sighing heavily, she put the goblet to her lips and took a dainty sip.

"I know you're confident this won't take long, and it may very well not, but we have to plan for after that as well," Morana said forcefully, yet sensibly. "Corralling the livestock is one thing, but it'll be a bit of an uphill battle to get the rest of the humans to give up. And regardless of how confident one may be at how swiftly this plan will go, there can always be something that we overlooked that can bite us in the back should we not plan for it in advance."

"She's right, Carmilla," Lenore said as she sauntered into the room. "We have to give Hector the time he'll need to build the army that you want to begin with, and with one single Forgemaster it will take a bit of time. I'm still trying to repair the damage you did to him before he got here."

"I didn't damage him that much, Lenore," Carmilla argued, huffing petulantly. "I merely made sure that we didn't waste any time getting him here and making sure we could get started as quickly as possible. And besides, he's your pet now. You shouldn't have too much trouble getting him to do as we wish."

"I won't have any trouble getting him to do anything," Lenore said with a smirk. "That was never the problem, Carmilla, and well you know it. I had to nurse him back to health before I could even begin, and that takes time. We want him to complete his task, not die in the middle of it."

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