Chapter 126 - The Worst Lap Dance In The History Of Lap Dances

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Trevor P.O.V

When the other Belmonts and Papa Fang Fang came through and told me they wanted to use me as a surprise for Fang Face's bachelor party, I thought they'd lost their minds. There would be no way I could step away from Sypha and the baby for that long without them noticing, and there would be no way I would leave their side for that amount of time when she could need me for something or the baby might be in some kind of danger.


"I just had the greatest idea," Simon emoted excitedly. "What if we bring Trevor here with us for Adrian's bachelor party?"

"He would love that," Papa Fang said, "but we'd have to make sure Adrian knew not to say anything to Y/N about it or she may have all our asses for not telling her he came here and didn't see her."

"Wait a fuckin' minute, guys," I said. "What the hell am I supposed to do with my wife and kid? You forget that I'm supposed to be this responsible father and husband here as well."

"You really are thick aren't you, Belmont?" That fucking blood sucker sat there and gave me a look I would have loved to rip off his head and slap him with the wet flesh.

"You forget we have a time traveling mirror or something? Or did you get dumber when Lisa and I left you?" When he said that, yes, I will admit the thought of running him through sounded fantastic. I would have loved to put him on top of one of those pikes he loved so much when he impaled the Turks that attempted to invade. But then I had to admit I had indeed forgotten how the Mirror could be used.

"We could take you to the party, let you get shitfaced, give you a day to sober up and deposit you here two minutes after you left with no problem," Leo said with a laugh.

"Alright! Alright!" I said, feeling even more stupid I hadn't thought of that. "I'll go!"

~~Flashback Ends~~

"Trevor?" I looked into his eyes and it appeared he was doing his best not to cry. Damn sentimental bitch nearly got me weeping like a toddler with a skinned knee.

"So you're getting married finally, eh? 'Bout fuckin' time." I smiled when he laughed and launched himself toward me to embrace me in a tight ass hug that nearly broke my ribs.

"Calm down, pretty boy, or the strippers will start to wonder if you're in the wrong place."

"I'm sorry," he said back with a half smile, "I just missed you is all. Y/N has as well. I'm just really surprised they brought you here."

"Blame it on those guys," I said as I pointed to my descendants and Dracula. "They're the ones that came up with the idea and talked me into it."

"Ok, reunion over," Simon chuckled. "I'm ordering some drinks, so what do you guys want?"

"Beer!" I shouted earning laughter from everyone around the table.

"I want a pink Starburst cocktail first," Fang Face said.

"A what?" we all asked in response?

"What kind of shit is that?" Leo asked.

"Frilly drink to begin? Seriously?" Simon shot back.

"Don't knock it till you try it," Fang Face said with a smirk. "As a matter of fact, go ahead and order one for each of us and then follow that up with beer."

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