Chapter 107 - The Descendants Revealed Part 2

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Reader P.O.V.

Now that everything had been finished, side dishes set up and the table set for the mysterious guests, we all sat back and enjoyed the fire amongst us. Adrian sat looking into the fire still marveling over how a marshmallow turned from white to black so swiftly while his mother and father sat back and relaxed to the best of their ability. I noticed they kept looking toward the side of the house and found I was having difficulty not looking in that direction as well, so did what little I could to prevent it by turning in my seat slightly to avoid their pointed gazes. I felt strange, though. It wasn't bad or anything, but there was a feeling that someone else was there beside me. Or behind me. Somewhere near. I did my best to shake it off and concentrated on the dancing yellow and orange flames before me.

"They'd better show up soon," Dad said loudly. "These steaks are damn near done, I'm hungry as hell and I'm going to start eating pretty soon, company be damned."

"Yes, yes. I know I'm damned," a male voice said from around the corner. "Seems like all us Belmonts are, for some fucking reason."

"You're only damned because you're an idiot," a female voice said, followed by a giggle.

"I can see where you'd get that thought," another voice said. "He is an idiot, to be sure, but that isn't the only reason he's damned."

"It would be the fact that he breathes," another male voice said. "Now enough of this idle prattle. I'm hungry."

"Great," yet another male voice said, "he's thinking with his stomach again."

"Its a hell of a lot better than thinking with what's due south of there," another male voice said. "He's always thinking with that, so we should be blessed he chose a different organ this time."

"Oh get up off your high horse, you pain in the ass," the hungry one grumped, "or I'll smack you with my giant pee pee of death and make you cry like a little bitch." I spit my drink out at that comment.

"I swear to gods if he says 'unga bunga' one more time, I'm going to kill him myself," another voice said....and that's when I couldn't hold my laughter back any longer.

"I hear an angel," another male's voice was heard.

"Oh shit! He spoke!"

"Are you alright, brother?" the female voice questioned. "Do you need to sit down?"

"Is it really so rare for him to speak?"

"Did you hear him on the drive up?"

"Well, no."

"And there's your answer."

"Let's not keep them waiting any longer," the first male voice I heard said. I could hear the humor in his voice as he spoke. Most of the steps taken were so light my father couldn't have possibly heard them, but the others were rather easy to hear through the leaves and pine needles that littered the ground. As they grew closer I heard Adrian gasp and Lisa chuckle. Turning my head, finally, I saw three blondes, two redheads and two brunettes making their way to us.

"There you guys are," Dad said as he pulled the steaks off the grill. "Its about bloody time. I was going to start eating right off the grill and give less than a fuck if anyone was offended."

"That's....descriptive," Lisa laughed. "Now, for some quick introductions. This little girl here is my youngest, Celeste. The stoic blonde is the third oldest, Hugue. The grinning brunette with facial hair is the second oldest, Leone."

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