Chapter 31 - The Mirror of Fate Part 1

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Trevor P.O.V.

I didn't want to go to bed. That damn game had me all wound up, but Y/N said that she had to recharge her computer before she could let us play on it more. I had to admit to myself that I was feeling so damn competitive because everyone else seemed to catch on to the games and how to play them when Y/N explained it. I know I'm not an idiot. I know I'm able to understand shit pretty easily. It may take me a bit to catch on to every little piece, but I do catch on. Eventually, though, I did grab some bread, a bit of wine and a couple glasses before heading to the bedroom to share my fare with Sypha.

All the way back to the room I could see those rainbow blocks in my field of vision and even suffered some slight nausea from it. I must have stared at that screen for at least two hours, and because it was the same course time after time I couldn't get those colors out of my mind. I think I even dreamt of that road roiling under my feet and dropping into nothingness, the stars shining brightly and distorting any form of horizon.

But now its daytime. I can see the dimmed light coming through the window indicating Mother Nature is on the warpath. Next I could hear the rain spattering in a violent barrage as it was pushed against the window by the screaming wind. One hell of a storm had blown in and wasn't going to let us keep the warmth we wanted. But then a new sound assaulted my ears, one that was so odd that it woke Sypha from her slumber and had her looking around for the source.

"What the hell is that?" she asked sleepily. Her bleary eyes blinked repeatedly trying to clear the sleepy haze.

"I have an idea, and this isn't the first time I've heard it," I said back. "And it's not the first time you've heard it either."

"What do you mean, Belmont? I think I'd remember hearing something like this before."

"You did," I said emphatically. "You heard it when we went to wake up Floating Vampire Jesus."

Her eyes opened in recognition when after a moment the loud groaning turned into occasional popping noises.

"The water is running."

Without waiting for her to get a move on, I threw my legs over the side of the bed without thinking. The weather outside meant that every stone in this castle would be cold enough to ensure we'd get frostbite on our toes, but when my feet touched the floor I stared down at it in wonder.

"It has to have been running for a while," I called back to Sypha. "The floor is warm."

I felt the bed shift as Sypha prepared to take her first experimental step onto the floor. When the small patter of her feet touching the floor sounded out, I waited for a moment until her relieved sigh reached my ears. It was then that I heard her delighted laughter while she pat her feet on the floor as if she was doing a silly dance, and I found myself chuckling and shaking my head before standing to put on my clothes.

"Wait a minute," Sypha said. I turned to look at her and saw that she was sniffing at the air. I tilted my head up to take a whiff of the air and smelled a very familiar scent which prompted both of us to say at the same time:

"She made cinnamon rolls again!"

Like children, we both giggled and scurried to get our morning routine finished and get dressed while playfully pushing and shoving at each other. We both raced to the door at the same time laughing as we tried to be the first one to get down the hall. This continued all the way down and eventually led to us fighting to see who would get through the kitchen doorway.

Y/N looked up from what she was doing and laughed. She had started laughing harder while watching Sypha and I pushing and shoving in the doorway, but laughed until she cried when Fang Face reached up, grabbed hold of our shirts and pulled us both back to clear his way through the door. Finally making our way in, her laughter was winding down and she was wiping tears from her eyes.

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