Chapter 88 - The Confrontation

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Hector P.O.V

The vampires in front of me wound down their weeping and bolstered themselves for the oncoming battle. Meanwhile I sat in the wagon and looked toward the trees. I saw them. I know I did! There were two night creatures I know I didn't make sitting up in the trees looking down upon us. I was going to attempt to get their attention, but one looked to the other before the pair made their way out of the trees and quickly retreated in the direction we were going. 'Isaac! Those are yours, aren't they?' I thought to myself and smiled secretly.

"I was wondering," I said toward the women before me, "would it be possible for me to get a weapon of some sort?"

"I don't think so," Lenore scoffed. "I'll keep an eye on you and keep you safe, pet."

"I don't doubt you will," I said in a placating tone, "but I speak of if we should get separated. I'd like to be able to fight on my own, and my hammers will be useless against the very creatures I create."

"He does make a point, Lenore, "Carmilla stated. "I don't like the idea of the little shit having a weapon either, but if we lose him we lose the ability to make anymore night creatures if we need them."

"I suppose," Lenore sighed out. "I'll give you one once we reach Braila. We shouldn't take too much longer to get there, so be patient." I muttered out an 'of course' and sat back in the wagon. The ride toward the town of Braila was bumpy in the extreme. Chunks of ice and snow bounced the wheels to and fro, the horses tack the only thing forcing the wagon forward. The wind had died down overnight and the sky had cleared a bit, the still heavy cloud cover hung in the sky with the promise of yet another storm on the horizon. I just had to bide my time, my plan already forming in my head that would be carried out the moment that weapon hits my hand.

I could see the buildings on the edge of town coming into view over the next rise which meant I'd see Isaac just that much sooner. I imagine he's lying in wait for Carmilla and planning his revenge just as I had, but I suddenly felt fearful. What if Isaac wants to kill me, too, for my foolishness? What if he hoped that I'd be with them so it would save him time trying to find me? Perhaps he had night creatures waiting to take my corpse to him, his intention to make me a night creature as well. In some ways, I sincerely hoped he would. It would be punishment enough for the abandonment of my master and his friendship.

Isaac P.O.V.

"Master!" I heard the gravel-laden voice of Flyseyes calling for me from above. As soon as I laid eyes on him, I knew what he would say. "They're almost here, so we must move quickly!"

Before he'd even finished his sentence I could see the townspeople react to his appearance, their screams of fear filling my ears. I cursed myself for not warning the people of the night creatures that I had with me to protect them, but the idea had always been shifted to the back of my mind. It was never the right time. Never a good idea. Always a thought that would flit through my mind from time to time, but never actually spoken. And now I didn't have the time.

"Calm yourselves!" I shouted, the crowd slowing down. "They will not harm you. They are here to protect you by Dracula's command!" With those words, the townspeople instantly calmed.

"Older people, the sick and young children under 10 summers, please follow me! Who are the nursemaids?" My surprise came in the form of the group of girls I'd seen so often, and the beautiful one who gave me her smile, all came forward. I hid my pleasure at this knowledge and continued.

"I will need you all to go with them. This way you can aid in taking care of the children and see to the needs of the sick."

"We have medicine and milk with us, so we're ready to go," the beautiful one said while showing me her basket. It was indeed filled with quite a selection of tonics and milk, so we wouldn't have to stop anywhere.

"Good. Come with me!" The group of us moved down the streets carefully, making sure to stay low and go as far away from the town square as possible. Knowing Carmilla and her propensity for making an entrance, she will make sure to come directly to the town square to present herself. Once we got around to the back of the building, the hole we'd opened up to get everyone inside unseen from the front came into view. One by one I lowered people inside and asked them to keep quiet. The last to go was the beauty.

"Before I go," she said, "my name is Lilandra. I hope to see you soon." Before I could answer, her hand reached up to cup my cheek in her palm, a touch that I hadn't felt in a very long time. I closed my eyes and pressed into her gentle caress, therefore not seeing her lean forward to place a kiss on my lips. It was not more than a light peck, but it's meaning was not lost on me. My eyes shot open quickly to look upon her face once more and found naught but her retreating figure disappearing into the hole. I touched my lips, the warmth of her lips lingering on mine, as I turned to leave. A smile creased my lips as I ran toward Dracula and prepare for Carmilla's arrival. She would be safe as long as I did my part. And I would do my part even if it meant my death.

Carmilla P.O.V.

Braila. As much as the loss of my sisters still weighed heavily on my mind, my plans to dominate this place as my corral needed to go forward. Striga had outlined everything before her untimely demise and Morana had left behind her figures and strategies. In the name of my sisters, I would carry out their predetermined plan and achieve my goal!

"Send forth the night creatures!" I hollered. The soldiers released the chains from the creatures that looked most likely to escape, the rest growled and snarled to life before launching themselves toward the center of town with the shouts and clangs ringing through the air from the soldiers who sprang to life behind them. Lenore's shouts ringing out beside me, her face raised to the sky with a jubilant look and eyes flashing with malice. I then turned to the Forgemaster in the back of the wagon.

"Take this," I said simply while handing over a dagger. "It is a weapon, as you requested. Mayhap not the one you wished for, but will do." His head nodded and his appreciation for my gesture was noted, but something about the smile that crept across his face disturbed me. Something about it Wrong. Sinister. Rather than show my feelings to a simpleton as himself, I grabbed my sword and made my way to the front of the caravan where I would walk behind my soldiers as they gathered the people of Braila to assemble before me.

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