Chapter 140 - Do What To Who? Part 2

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Allen P.O.V.

Sitting here with Y/N and Adrian was indeed quite relaxing. I hadn't really been able to spend much time with them alone for a while and I guess I was starting to really miss that. I wouldn't admit it to either of them right off the bat, but I think they had felt the same. I know I felt a bit more at ease being around these two, rather like a small vacation from all that had happened over the last few months that all of us seemed to need more than anything.

"Dad?" Y/N said.

"Sorry, glowworm. I was miles away," I responded sheepishly.

"Its alright," she said as she leaned toward me and rest her head on my shoulder. "I've had moments like that as well. Especially lately."

"I've just been thinking about how everything has kind of been a whirlwind. If it wasn't one thing, something else would come up and throw a wrench into everything else. Or it would remind us we had to do this thing over here so that thing right there would work."

"And then if that one thing over there fucked up you'd have to redo this shit over here so that thing over there worked," Adrian said with a chuckle.

"I know what it is, though," Y/N said with a chuckle. "Its -"

"The Belmonts," we all said at the same time and instantly broke into fits of laughter.

"Its true, though!" she broke in through her laughter. "If it isn't one of them messing with something they shouldn't its another one trying to fix the fuck up of the other!"

"Richter's been my friend for quite some time," I said, "and if you think his sons are a handful, you should have seen him through high school."

"That bad, eh?" Adrian asked.

"Oh man, that kid," I began. "He would always come to classes late, usually smelling of smoke and sporting new hickies. His hair was even longer, if you can believe that, and he never moved his fringe out of his face. Never."

"You have any pictures?" Y/N asked.

"Just a mo," I said as I hopped up from the couch. I got out some of my old photo albums and showed off the pictures of Richter and myself in school. I even broke out the wedding photos, snaps from school trips, family reunions and vacations. The three of us sat chatting over the pictures, pointing out the silliness that was contained with each one, and eventually moved onto the pictures the pair had taken with their phones. It was then that I decided to ask the question that had been on my mind for months.



"I don't know how to ask this," I started a bit shakily, "so I'll just come straight out and ask."

"What's going on, Dad? You're kind of worrying me," Y/N said and her troubled expression showed just how upset she really was.

"Its nothing bad, sweetheart," I tried to reassure her. "Its just something that I've been thinking about for a while now and would like your opinion on it."

"Now you're starting to worry me, Allen," Adrian said.

"Ok," I said and took a deep breath. "I want to ask you both what your opinion is on me becoming a vampire. Would you support my idea, or would you rather I didn't?"

From their silence, I worried that I may have asked the impossible question. Neither of them moved or even seemed to breathe in that moment, their eyes widened and staring in my direction like I was some sort of alien species that just emerged from the deep. And for that moment I considered just telling them it was a joke and just walk away. I didn't get the chance as both of them closed in on either side of me and gripped me in a hug. I burst into tears and held them in my own awkward way.

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