Chapter 117 - The Wedding Planner

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Michael P.O.V.

Gregory called about twenty minutes ago to tell me we were going out to pick up some things for the wedding, but he hasn't arrived in the time I thought he would. I've been waiting for his goofy ass to show up for some time only to find myself sitting on my phone playing Candy Crush for the last half hour. Only reason I knew it was a half hour was because it takes me at least that long to go through all my lives on this one board that I've been stuck on for the last two days. When I finally did see him coming up the street, it had been long enough for one of my lives to fill up on my game.

"You told me you'd be here a half hour ago," I complained as soon as I walked to the side of his car.

"I'm sorry!" he shouted. "I meant to be here sooner, but my husband just didn't want to hear any more about the wedding when he never got one with me, and that started yet another fight and then the threat of him leaving before I got back home, blah blah blah. It was a disaster that I only managed to avert by saying I'd ask if we could go up along with Y/N and Adrian."

"You know that isn't going to happen," I said as we made our way to the printer's for the invitations. "And it won't even be Y/N and Adrian who say no."

"I know," he answered with a stern look on his face. "I will eventually have to breakdown and hold a wedding for us as well."

"You know, I just had an idea," I mused. "What if we held a wedding out at the cabin?"

"Yeah, I don't think so."

"Come on. It would work, right?"

"It would, but do you really think we could even come up with all the things we'd need? And on top of that get all the stuff we need for the main reason we're running around like a chicken with it's head cut off in the first place?"

"Richter's a minister," I mentioned. "It wouldn't be difficult to get things together for an impromptu one, at least. And I'm sure if you asked Y/N, Lisa and Celeste they'd be able to throw something magical at you with a little bit of effort." I could see Gregory really think about it before he finally said something.

"I'll ask them and see what they say. I know Y/N will clear it with Allen to use the cabin, but I have no idea what else Ryan would want."

"You can ask questions like what his favorite flower is, or what his favorite color is. And you can ask how many people would he really want to come to a hypothetical wedding. In the meantime, the rest of us could come up with what you find out and set it up at the cabin."

"You know, that might actually work," he said as a smile spread on his face. "I'm not going to get my hopes up thinking this will happen, but it would be nice to get Ryan's opinions on what he'd like for his dream wedding. He's such a sweetheart and the fact that his parents no longer recognize him as one of their children still bothers him to this day. Maybe if I can get this wedding together, it'll lift his spirits enough to make up for all the holidays he didn't get to spend with them." We pulled up in front of the printer's store right as he finished his statement, so before we got out I had to say:

"You know, if that's the case, why don't you go ahead and ask Y/N when we go over to Allen's place tomorrow? She's going to be there with Lisa and Celeste while the Belmonts and the Tepes go out to look at suits for the wedding. If nothing else, you can find out what the girls think about the wedding, whether Lisa would allow you guys to have your wedding right along side Y/N and Adrian's or if they'd have more fun planning and setting one just for you and Ryan up."

"I think I'll do that," Gregory said, a smile finally crossing his lips. "I don't care which one it is as long as Ryan is happy. Anything I can do for him is all I need."

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