Chapter 111 - Hey, I Got An Idea!

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Lisa P.O.V.

I waved sadly toward the retreating tail lights of my son and daughter-in-law's car, my attempts at keeping my tears to myself failing miserably as the feeling of my babies leaving wrenched my heart. Vlad came up to my side and hugged me with one arm, his hand rubbing up and down my arm to soothe me and let me know it'll be alright.

"Its almost empty now," Hugue said softly while lowering his head. It was amazing how quickly he took to his brother, but it was even more amazing how he opened up in just a few moments around Y/N. I guess she just has that ability to ease the soul and make everyone comfortable.

"Ok," Richter said and surprising us all, "I'm sorry, Allen. I have to say this or I'm going to burst. Hit me if you want, old friend, but your daughter has a perfect ass on her! It took everything in me not to just reach over and grab it, anger of a vampire be damned!"

"Richter -"

"I know!" Simon agreed. "I mean I was picking on her just to see if she'd get closer because her eyes are just, damn! And you're right, Pop, that ass screams for a slap."

"You do realize her father, father-in-law and brothers-in-law are standing right here, right?" Vlad said menacingly.

"Her breasts looked like pillows," Hugue uttered with a smirk. The fact that he spoke so about his future sister-in-law shocked us, especially since he never speaks like that. But the fact that he said it out loud and cracked a small smile had our jaws dropping.

"Looks like brother dear may end up going toe to toe for her honor," Celeste giggled out.

"No, he won't," Vlad said with finality. "She is Adrian's mate and nothing, and I mean nothing will come between them. Am I clear?" I saw his gaze sweep the lot of his children and the Belmonts before a chorus of muttered ok's were heard from the group.

"There are some things you really should know about Adrian that will probably make you look at him a bit differently," I said. Once everyone sat down, I explained to them about the two people who came to the castle when Adrian was at his lowest, the way they'd dug themselves into his life like ticks, gained his trust completely and then basically sexually assaulted and tried to kill him. Vlad added information about how hard it was for Adrian to realize that he was in the presence of his mate, the fact that he hadn't been taught what to look for and how hard it was for him to admit it. We both explained what kinds of hurdles the pair had to deal with.

"And then there's the influence of her birth unit," Allen added. "Her mother, sister and brother-in-law made that poor girl's life hell, mostly because she wasn't a toothpick like her sister, but also because she's a whole hell of a lot smarter than most. Her mother just couldn't deal with the fact that her youngest daughter was smarter than her and her oldest daughter put together." He told them about her education and gained quite a few shocked looks.

"So," Vlad said, "no matter what, none of you are allowed to even think about tearing those two apart. Not just for their safety and comfort, but for your own. Y/N is beyond vicious when it comes to protecting Adrian. You'd do well to keep any of your lustful thoughts to yourself, buried as deep in your subconscious as you can possibly put it."

"I think I'm going to head up to my room," Allen said sadly. "I'm far more tired than I thought and do actually have to go to work in the morning."

"Are you sure?" I asked. "Its a little early to turn in, Allen."

"I know," he said, "but its going to be quite the drive to get home, change, grab my papers and then drive in to work. I figure it would be best to just get some sleep now so I can get up early to do what I need to." I looked at Allen's face and saw how sad he was, so affected by his daughter's departure that his mood had dropped significantly. We said our good nights and watched as he slowly ascended the stairs toward his room.

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