Chapter 1 - A Flash of Light

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    'I really shouldn't have stayed so late,' I thought. Yes, the midterm project was due soon, but I've neglected so many things. Mostly myself. But being in the university art department allowed me to get more clarification on what was expected from me concerning my submission, and allowed me to safely download the required software. My iPad had some elements that would help me, but most of the work would have to be done on my laptop.

    I still get razzed from time to time about my laptop because its too big to fit on my lap and because of all of the modifications: larger hard drive, faster graphics card and a hell of a lot of memory. I also got all of the peripherals that you can possibly get with it which means it cost me a little over 5k, but it was all worth it. Everyone said that I was wasting it's capabilities because it was a gaming laptop and I was using it for different purposes, but I told them that it was perfect for what I was doing. Besides, if you're going to be a graphic artist, wouldn't it make more sense to use something with a better graphics card? My thoughts exactly. The naysayers eventually left me alone after that.

    I realized before I went to class that I was essentially out of everything at home food wise, a trip to the store was needed. Brilliant person that I am, I decided to bring my cart with a built in cooler so I could get a lot more at one time rather than making multiple trips. While I was in class I plugged in the miniature generator built into it so that a full charge was available when I got out of classes. This would let me go from class to the store and then home.

    I managed to bypass all the junk food that sabotages shoppers just inside the doors and made my way over to the fresh produce. Getting a few bags, I picked up some green beans, tomatoes, mushrooms, carrots and potatoes. I was just turning around to grab some fruit when I heard a voice behind me.

    "Well look at you there."

    'Oh great' I thought. 'The last person I wanted to deal with: the ex.' I think that I rolled my eyes so hard I'm pretty sure I looked at my own ass.


    "So, have you missed me baby?"

    I tried so hard not to let the disgust seep through into my voice. "Don't call me that."

    I could hear him suck his tongue through his teeth.

    "Why do you have to be like this? I thought we worked all of this out."

    "We didn't work anything out. I didn't talk to you about what happened or anything. I packed my shit and went home." I continued getting my produce as I spoke. I could hear the ex moving around behind me, but I wasn't going to give them the satisfaction of speaking to my face and trying to make themselves feel better.

    "Look. What happened was my mistake. I own it and I'm sorry. Ok?"

    "You know," I began as I picked out my pears, "I really don't give a damn if you're sorry or not. I'm guessing not because I could hear the sarcasm in your voice. I don't accept your apology and hope to never see or hear from you again."

    "Come on, baby," the ex said as they sidled up to me and tried to wrap their arms around my middle. "I know that you miss me just as much as I miss you, so why don't we just cut the shit and you can come back to our place. I'll order us some dinner and we can talk about everything. Ok?"

    As much as I used to love our nights of take out and talk, the fact that the ex was trying to use it as a way to get back into my good graces showed how desperate they were. It disgusted me to know that I used to fall for this every single time.

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