Chapter 77 - The Devil Forgemaster's Doubts

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Dracula P.O.V.

Explaining to Isaac the events that had occurred took much longer than expected. He still had it in his head that my son and his two companions were guilty of something regardless of the fact that I sat before him with no malice toward the trio. And his opinion of Y/N was...confused, to be honest. He had no idea how to deal with a woman such as her; one that was not only more than happy to speak up no matter the situation and more than willing to lash a person with her razor whip tongue.

"I don't understand how you can allow her to speak as such, master," Isaac said for the uncountable amount of times. "She is too bold for her own good."

"SHE," Y/N began, "is sitting right here in front of you and doesn't need someone else to answer for her. The sooner you get that undeniable fact though that thick ass head of yours, the better we're gonna get along." Isaac turned his head to look at her as if she'd grown a second head.

"How dare you speak as such to me," he raged. "You have no place in this conversation, and would do well to -"

"Motherfucker, if it weren't for me, your master wouldn't even be sitting here. I don't give two shits in the wind how delicate your fucking sensibilities are when being talked to by a woman. I don't know if you're a misogynist or simply afraid of a strong woman, but you'd better get that melon-sized head out of your ass pretty fucking quick. We have more important things to worry about than your fucking ego, so get over it." Y/N was fuming. I'd not seen her like this before, not even when I'd upset her upon my return.

"Isaac," I interrupted, "it would be for the best that you calm down and listen."

"But she -"

"She brought me back from Hell itself,as well as my lady wife," I interrupted sternly. "She did a lot for all of us since she got here, and I would gladly, and most gratefully, defer to her in this situation. She is far more intelligent than most women, my wife and Sypha excluded, and knows what she's talking about."

"And if you insult my mate one more time," Adrian uttered angrily, "I will have no trouble ripping your head off and sitting it on the mantle."

"Guys?" Sypha chided. "Pissing contest. End it now."

"I was wondering when she'd pick that up from Y/N," Belmont said while rolling his eyes.

"Now then," Y/N said, sighed and continued. "The reason that your arrival is perfect, Isaac, is because we know for a fact that Carmilla is still attempting to corral the peoples of Braila for a food source. Her intention to take Dracula's castle with the army she expects Hector to aid in building requires her to ensure her soldiers have enough food to march on, therefore, she will try to get as many night creatures as possible made ahead of time to enforce the borders she intends to keep the people in."

"And this concerns me how?" Isaac asked petulantly. I wanted to shake my head in exasperation, but Y/N decided to ignore his ignorant response and push on.

"Your night creatures, both the army you came with and the ones you made that still surround the castle, would come in handy should we need extra defense while we stop Carmilla's plan in it's tracks."

Genuinely interested now, Isaac tilted his head and asked, "And how exactly do you intend to stop her plan? She has quite a following of soldiers fighting for her before, though I must admit I have no idea how many are left since the castle moved multiple times."

"It isn't that I intend to stop her soldiers, at least not at first," Y/N said with a smirk. "I intend to cut off her food supply and force her to go elsewhere."

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