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"School guide book page 1043. What to do when a group member is abducted. If there are no leads on the perpetrators think back to any small details about perpetrators if not and the perpetrators were wearing school uniforms prefer to page 1034. Her we are If the perpetrators are in school uniforms you might be dealing with a rival school out causing trouble" nagisa said reading out of the very big book.

"You found us!" Kayano smiled. "What the hell?! How'd you even know where to look?!" The man growled "being unfamiliar with the area the kidnappers will have to stay at a perimeter close to the officiant kidnapping. Somewhere secluded but not far from the scene of the crime.
It this is that case, consult page 134. My map of possible hideouts may help" nagisa explained

"That guide book is straight up amazing. Theres nothing koro sensei didnt think of" sugino laughed. "No kidding right. Definitely worth lugging around we should take one with us everywhere" karma said nonchalantly


"All right so what's it gonna be gentlemen? Fight or flight, we'll go easy if you back down now but after all you put us through, including taking my girlfriend your not getting out of this unscathed. That's a promise" karma smirked "heh. Acting all bad ass you kids crack me up. Why dont you say hello to some friends of mine. See how far that attitude gets you with them" the man said but koro sensei had already taken care of them

"Say hello to them if you like. Be advised tho they probably wont here you" koro sensei said. "Its koro sensei!" Nagisa cheered. "Father!" Y/N smiled. "Daughter! Anyway sorry I'm a little late to fesitlies I figured it'd be best to let you handle this on your own while I search else where just
To cover all the bases" koro sensei spoke

"Uh sir why exactly are you wearing a vale?" Nagisa asked. "Violence is always regrettable. I'd rather you not associate my face with what I'd just done or what I'm about to do, good work following the instructions of the guide book Nagisa I'm glad I had the Foresight to provide them" koro sensei said and handed them all guide books.

"Hold on! This freakoized is your teacher?! That's the biggest little bullshit I've ever heard!" The man yelled at the other guys charged at koro sensei. "Such language please dont use it in front if my students and daughter and unless you can move faster then me you'd be smart to not touch them to" koro sensei shouted with red eyes.

"You look down at us like the other kids do. Well look down a this!" The man yelled and charged at him with a knife. "I think you have the wrong impression. The school these boys and girls attend is special yes. But there considered the outcast there class is the target of merciless score. Even so bleak as there situation may seem they stay commendably positive never would these children dream of pulling others down to there level out of spite. There not privilege they simply work hard and theres the moral for you. As the old saying goes. In clear waters there mercy unfortunate favors are the fish that stream" koro sensei explained as he kicked all of there asses.

"Ok boys and girls let's take care of business these improper students are in need of proper field trip edict. Wouldnt you agree?" Koro sensei asked as the three boys stood above them hitting them with books.

The boys untied the girls bitter. They hadn't kept them safe back then but now they would. As karma finished uniting her she turned around and smiled at him. He grabbed her wrist and pulled her into him. He held the back of her hair and had an arm around her back. She smiled and dug her face into his chest happily

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