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Y/N was sat on the couch playing with her teddy bear. She smiled looking at the color. Pink.

"Karma!" The man shouted as his wife sat on the couch next to the girl. Y/N threw the bear up in the air catching it.

Suddenly a red headed boy came down the stairs. He had golden eyes and was rather tall. Y/N looked up and her eyes widned as her face heated up.

"Karma this is Y/N the girl who's gonna live with us" the man smiled. Karma looked at girl holding the bear. She was awfully pretty and cute. He quite literally felt his heart jump out and do laps around the girl.

"She'll be attending school with you soon. Please take care of her" Mr.Akabane said. "Sure" he shrugged playing the blush on his face off.
"Now Y/N I'll hold your bear and you go with Karma okay?" Mrs.Akabane smiled. "Okay.." Y/N mumbled and handed her the bear.

She followed karma up the stairs with curiosity. She looked at the painting on the wall in amazement. Karma looked at her and raised his brow.
"Have you never seen a painting before?" Karma asked. She shook her head and looked at the wall in awe. "Come on. Hurry" Karma sighed and held onto her hand pulling her up the stairs quicker.

She felt electric shocks through out her entire body as he pulled her into his room.

The two sat on the ground as he picked back up his controller. "Um..what's that?" She mumbled. "A controller..? Have you never played a game before?" He asked. "Oh I played games with my nurses! We played this game that's goes on a board and has little ginger bread men and we also played with these dolls! And blocks to!" She cheered. "No a digital game" he dead panned.

"What's digital?" She asked. He got up and sat behind her her. He leaned her back against his chest and wrapped his arms around her. Y/N felt her heart beating out of her chest as she slightly grabbed onto the controller. "Here" he said.

The two spent hours learning how to play with Karma resting his chin atop her head. In due time she fell asleep against him and he picked her up and layed her on his bed. He headed down stairs and sighed. His parents were gone of course so there was really nothing he could do about that.

He figured he'd have some fun poking at this girl


It was Y/Ns first day at this new school


It was the middle of the 1st year

Karma directed her where to go and they had a similar schedule. "I know you really dont have much of a brain in there so try not to get lost" karma sighed. "Mm!" She nodded with a determined look on her face. Karma sighed and set his hand gently atop her head.

"Just stay by my side okay?" He asked. Her eyes widned and her face heated up as she gripped her fist. She nodded and he intertwined his fingers with hers. "Then let's go" he smirked and pulled her along.


"Ahhh! Your hair is an unnatural color just like Karma's" Y/N cheered running around in circles around Nagisa. "Hey you'll get dizzy" Karma sighed and bonked the top of her head. "Ow!" She whined. "So..your names Y/N?" Nagisa sweat dropped. "Mhm! And your Nagisa! Nagi! Yep I'll call you Nagi!" She squealed happily.

"This is the most adorable girl I've ever met.."

Later Karma and Y/N walked along the hall ways. Y/N jumped around everywhere and suddenly she stopped. Her stomach growled and she whined. "You hungry?" Karma asked. She nodded and looked up. "Here let me see if I have something"

Karma began to rummage around his bag. "Here eat this" he said and handed her a box. Pocky

She looked at it in awe and opened the package. It was a skinny sweet bread stick with chocolate covering the majority of it. She held it toward her mouth and bit off a piece into her mouth. Y/Ns eyes widned and she fell onto the ground.

"Hey you good?" Karma asked. She squealed and kicked her feet happily. "Its so good!" She shrieked. Karma chuckled and helped her up.

The two continued walking together. Karma teased her about numerous things but she was clueless.

Suddenly a blonde girl approached the two of them. Y/N tilted her head in confusion. "Y/N! Oh my god your here!" She shouted and hugged her surprising the girl. "Um! Who are you?!" Y/N asked surprised.

"What?" The blonde asked. "Are you crazy?! Its me Rio!"

"I'm sorry...perhaps you got me confused with someone else..?" Y/N smiled awkwardly. Rio gripped her fist and turned on her heel running away.

"That was weird" karma shrugged. "Anyways let's keep going"

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