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Tw for Y/Ns past

Age regression
Sexualization of a minor
Harsh words


Y/N at a younge age. A child.

She sat in a white room dressed in a white kimono with pink flowers. Her hair was pinned up in a flower clip matching the kimono with strands of hair out, Pretty slippers with a pink flower on it and clean white socks.

"Y/N Honey~ we have a new client" her mother sang.

Akemi Yoko

"Mommy..I'm really tired I wanna sleep" Y/N spoke and rubbed her eyes. "Now now you wanna make mommy and daddy happy dont you?" She asked and kneeled down. "Uhuh" she nodded.

Suddenly her mother slapped the child harshly as she fell onto the ground used to this harsh treatment. "Then what'd I say about complaining?! You selfish brat! Me and your father do so much for you and this is how you repay us?! All we ask is one thing of you! Just one!" Akemi yelled

She kneeled down picking the girl up and taking a makeup pallet out of her bag. She sat the girl up and pat makeup onto her face. "Your going to listen to mommy right? You'll do what mommy says? Help mommy and daddy get money so they can take care of you" the woman smiled.

Ever since she was younge...her mother and father would get complements about how beautiful their daughter was. They used it to their advantage.

Lonely men would wander in and spend time with the younge girl. Nothing inappropriate but still painful for her. The comments they would make. The way they would stare. It made her hate herself.


Y/N was done for the day and her mother put her to bed. The girl made sure she was gone and got up. Her kimono was clean of course and she had difficulty climbing up the window but she made due. She jumped down and ran quickly. Having difficulty running in the slippers but she did it.

She came across a park. It had been rare for her to see one considering she was kept inside 24/7 and isolated.

She walked along the side walks and suddenly bumped into a pair if legs. She fell onto the ground with a grunt and held her forehead. She looked up in question and tilted her head and saw a man.

"Uh! Sorry! I'm super sorry!" She spoke in fear. "Um..its fine" the man said.

He had brown messy hair and a brown eyes. He was tall.

"Here let me.." he said and held his hand out. The girls eyes widned and she flinched covering her head. "I said I'm sorry! Please dont hit me!" She panicked. "Hey! Uh- I'm not going to hurt you dont worry" the man sighed and picked her up to her feet.

"What's your name?" He asked. "My names...Y/N Yoko...what's yours..?" She asked. "Just call me Mr.Reaper"

The assassin known as the reaper or rather Ryushi Korogane who would later become Koro sensei.

"Let's be friends Mr.Reaper!" She shouted and held her hand out.

"Yoko...Yokos the name of my next target..could this be his kid?" The reaper thought.

"Okay fine" he nodded.

It would help him get closer to his target.


"Look Mr.Reaper! an ice cream truck!" Y/N shouted with sparkly eyes.
"you wanna get some?" He man asked confused. "I've never had any before..mommy says if I ate sweets than I'd gain weight and if I gain weight everyone would hate me..." she mumbled. "That's a complete lie" the man shrugged and got up. He walked towards the truck

He got two vanilla ice creams.

He handed the girl the cone and she studied it. The reaper studied her face as she stuck her tongue out and licked the frozen cream. Her eyes widned as her face screamed "oh my gosh"

"Its...Super good!" She shouted happily. "Come now lets walk" Mr.Reaper said and took her much smaller hand in his large one. He walked down the side walk the two holding icecreams. It looked as if the man was a father and the younger girl was his daughter

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