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Y/N was waiting in that white room again awaiting her mother.

Akemi walked in with a smile. Sick and twisted.

"Come now Y/N dear! We have another client" she smiled. "Okay.." she mumbled and got up. "Put a smile on that face wont you? Everyone one will hate you if you dont" her mother threatened. Y/N smiled worried about her mother's word.

A big man walked into the room with a grin. Most men that would come see her were attracted to children. He took a seat next to the girl as she looked down.

"Hello sweetheart!" The man smiled. Y/N made no response. She just wanted to go see her new friend.

As the man made countless attempts to interact with the younge beautiful girl. "Here honey it's hot right?" The older man said and tried to slip off the top of her kimono. Her eyes widned and she slapped his hand away. "Dont touch me there!" Y/N shouted.

Her mother told her that while she had to entertain their client's they couldn't touch her and make her all icky.

The man was angry and left.

Y/N sat in her room scared to death of what her mother would do. She shut her eyes and then just ran for her window. She jumped out of it and left quickly hoping her friend would be there on the way. She bumped foreheads with someone her size. She looked at the person scared of what would happen next.

"Woah you got a strong head" the girl grunted and got up. "You okay?"

Y/N looked up with her mouth agape "I'm...okay" she mumbled and got up
"My names Rio! What's yours?" The blonde girl asked. "Y/N...I'm Y/N" the girl mumbled. "That's a cute name! Let's go play!" Rio smiled and took her hand running along.


It had been a week since Y/N meet Rio. Now she saw with Mr.Reaper.

"Her names what?" He asked sitting on the bench next to her. "I forgot.." she mumbled. But she recalled a memory with Rio.

They were laying under a tree and it was sunny. They pointed at clouds and she felt...happy.

"She asked if I went to school tho..."
Y/N mumbled. "What'd you say?" He asked. "Well..I'm not really allowed to go to school" she answered and sighed sitting back. The reaper nodded and looked forward with the little girl.

Everyday she would meet up with Rio then Mr.Reaper.

Her and Rio would play games, lay on the grass on sunny days and pick flowers.

Her and Mr.reaper would eat sweets and he would enjoy her pretty kimonos. He considered taking her and becoming her father through adoption. She had a pretty smile of course and she would make a great daughter. He would tell her storys and would push her on the swings.

But then one day she stopped coming around. He came back a everyday for two months. Nothing. He came back every week. Still nothing. Every month. Nothing. She was gone.

It was time to kill of his target. He spent a total of six months with that little girl and on the anniversary of day he bought her an ice cream for the very first time he made his move


Y/N sat in her white bare room crying. Her mother had caught her sneaking out a while ago and she had been locked up ever since

She wanted to go outside and see her friends that she had made. The reaper stood at the top of a building and witnessed the girls mother come in and hit her. He was angry. He took care of that child for six months and this was her home life

He was so angry and shot at the house fuse box and the building set on fire. The reaper left rather quickly and the fire department was called.

The house collapsed but luckily the family survived.

As Y/N lied on the hospital bed the doctors observed her. "She has many bruises where placed are normally covered. It looks like she hasn't eaten in days maybe months. Shes very unhealthy and it is looking she has a severe eating disorder. There blunt trauma to the head and it is looking like we may need to contact child protective service's" the doctor sighed feeling sorry for the kid.

The girls eyes slightly opened and she slowly sat up. "Mm" she hummed and stretched. She tried to speak but couldn't. All she could do was babble like a baby. "Here sweetie lay down" the nurse panicked.

The girl got upset and began to cry kicking her feet and bawling her fist. "D-doctor! What's happening?!" The nurse asked. "Oh my..." the doctor gasped gripping the clip board.

After running some tests where they showed her basic shapes, colors, number and letters as well as pictures of her parents she couldn't remember anything.

"The test results are in..it looks like due to the objects that fell onto her head quite harshly...she has amnesia" the doctor spoke to the man that was called. "If you choose to take in this girl you could be dealing with temper tantrums, age regression, and scetchy memory. She will be forgetful of things and it would be like taking care of a baby. Her mindset is all the way back to that of a child. Are you prepared for that?" The doctor asked.

"Why of course! I have a son her age so she wont be lonely" the man smiled. "Okay good..until then she will have to stay in the hospital until we can get her to speak correctly. we will reach out to you when shes ready to leave" the doctor said.


Y/N ended up staying in the hospital for 6 months.

In those 6 months she learned how to read, write, do school subjects and to speak properly. She had the knowledge of 5th grader and was continuing to move up.

"Ah! Thank you so much Mr.doctor!" Y/N smiled hugging the stuffed bear the doctor had gifted her. "Your welcome dear. Now that your changed and packed it's time for you to go live with your new guardian" he smiled. "Awahhhh! Really?! So exciting!" She cheered jumping up and down

She skipped out of the hospital holding the nurses hand. She man pulled up and got out of his car with his wife. "Are those the nice people?!" She asked excitedly. "Mhm" the nurse smiled. "Good luck dear. Do your best" the nurse waved "I promise! Bye bye~!" She sang and ran to the car.

"I'm Y/N! What's your name?" She asked. "I'm Mr.Akabane and this is my wife you can call Mrs.Akabane. I have a son your age who I think you'll get along with" the man smiled. "Hahhhh! What's his name?! What is it?! What is it?!" She asked with sparkly eyes.

"You'll find out soon enough"

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