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Everyone was in class talking or shit. Rio was at Y/N's desk talking to her and Karma. "So are you guys down?"rio asked. "Were free this weekend right?" Y/N asked. "Mm" karma nodded. Suddenly mrs.bitch walked in. Everyone glared at her.

She then picked up a chalk. Then wrote "you are incredible in bed."
"What word does incredible modify? You know this one." She stated. Suddenly everyone went back to there seats. Karma crossed his hands over his chest and smirked at Y/N and winked. She blushed and looked away

"Read it outloud" she demanded. "Y-you are incredible in bed" the class stuttered. Karma was staring at Y/N the whole time."I once took out an American V.I.P literally I had my feminine grace to thank for getting me close to the target. The poor dude fell for me hook line and sinker. You are incredible in bed. He told me. Incredible in this case motifys the word you" she says

"To learn grammar you got to see how it works in the real world. Like a full immersion course in a foreign language. Pick a lever that speaks at you can't miss. I know grammar seems boring and Technical but it under pits how we communicate communication is key in my line of work and in life. Whether it's speaking English French,or Portuguese what have you. All people underline needs to express their feelings. The examples maybe risky but they come from real life scenarios. They have all either been said by me or said to me by someone else one day you might use or hear them yourselves." Mrs. Bitch explained as Rio and Okajima day dreamed

"Dont expect me to be like the octopus he can help you with your entrance exams. Which is without value I suppose all I can do it help you learn the art of conversation. Heres the deal after a while of you think this is stupid or that I'm not a teacher. Fine I'll give up my assignment and leave so this atu put us on the level right?"mrs bitch said

"Oh and uh I'm sorry being uh such a bitch" she apologized. The whole class stared at each other for about 5 second then they all started laughing

"Wow talk about a 180 first you wanna kill us now you acting like a wuss!" Karma laughed. " I gotta say you act like a more convincing teacher with this attitude" Maehara said. "Guess this means we shouldn't call you Mrs.Yellow bitch anymore" Okano laughed

"Uh- your giving me a chance? Your not upset with me?"mrs. Bitch asked. "To be fair we didn't exactly get off on the right foot with that nick name." Some one said "maybe not but we got to call her something" someone added. "How bout mrs.Hella bitch?" Someone asked.

"Uh or we can just agree to move away from the whole bitch motivo all together. Im not opposed to going by irina if you guys don't mind calling a teacher by her firs-" "yea I'm sorry but I wouldn't plan on the bitch thing going away anytime soon" Maehara smiled

"Mmhmm! Not that Irina isnt a pretty name it's just not as fun to say as hella bitch" Okano said. "Professer bitch sounds classy how bout we do that?" Someone suggested. "I vote for that one professor bitch all the way!" Someone agreed.

"AGHHHHH I HATE YOU LITTLE TURDS SO MUCH!" Mrs.bitch screamed sending the whole class laughing. "DO YOU KNOW WHO YOUR MESSING WITH I WILL END YOU!" Mrs. Bitch threatened.

Y/N smiled at karma. He just smirked and shook his head. "YOU WAN BITCH I WILL SHOW YOU BITCH!"she shouted. "Your so adorable when your mad"someone laughed. "NO I AM NOT!"she screamed back.

After class everyone left. Y/N told karma she would catch up with him. She then walked up to Mrs.Bitch.

"What's wrong brat?" She questioned. Y/N handed her a box of strawberry pocky. "I'd thought you would like this to brighten up your mood since ya know everyone is know referring to you as a female dog" Y/N giggled. Mrs.bitch looked at Y/N and her smiling face. She took it out of her hand and then Y/N went for hug

"Thanks for putting up with us!" She smiled then skipped out of the classroom. Mrs.bitch smiled at the girl she knew that she was now her favorite student

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