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There was a new teacher or something like that. Karma and Y/N sat in the back holding hands. Koro sensei, mr.karasuma and a blonde lady all over koro sensei was in front of class

"Ok look alive people, meet our new addition to E-Class staff Facility" Mr.karasuma said. "My name is Mrs.Irina Jelavić! Nice to meet you all" She chirped while she had her hands all over koro sensei. "Talk about a knock out!" One said.

"Knockers more like" someone added. "Does anyone else think it's weird shes all over koro sensei" someone asked. "A little bit yea" someone agreeded.

"We decided to bring in Mrs.Jelavić I'm the enters of briefing up the English curriculum. No hard feelings I hope shes uh very qualified" Mr.karasuma said to Koro sensei. "No harm in that!" Koro sensei said

"She totally has a thing for koro sensei I mean she seems nice so I guess it's kinda cute right?" Kayano said. "Mmhmm might be something we could use and figure out how to kill him to" Nagisa nodded and smiled in agreement.

"I dont trust shes actually into him." Y/N whisperd to karma. "Yea me either" karma whispers back. "Hm I guess great minds think alike" Y/N giggled. "Mm" he smirksd and kissed her lips. She turned red and pulled away a little string of silvia connecting there mouths. She was now red as hell and wiped it and looked away. karma laughed and put his hand on her thigh.


"Let's see you pass the ball c'mon!" Koro sensei shouted. They had knifes in hand as they played pass and kill. A soccer ball went up into the air. "Head up!" Koro sensei yelled. "Pass and kill" karma smirked shooting at koro sensei. He dodged of course. It the  went to Y/N. "Pass and kill" she smiled and shot off one of his tentacles while everyone cheered. Karma ruffled her hair

She next passed it to Okano. "Pass and kill!" She yelled and striked her knife as him. He dodged again. "Try again!pass-" "yoo hoo~" every one heard. They all turned there heads and saw mrs.Jelavić "hope I'm not interrupting anything darling!" She said as she ran down the stairs waving.

"Mr.karasuma tells me you can go mach 20! And I just had to see it with my own eyes!" She said. "Well he might have exaggerated a tad" koro sensei sweat dropped. "I hate to ask this but I would he ever to grateful to fetch some viennese coffee. I thought you could grab it while I run the students through there English lessons." She smiled

Y/N turned to karma ignoring there conversation. "Hi!" She smiled. "Hi" he chuckled kissing her cheek. Suddenly they heard a "whooshhhh!" And just like that koro sensei was gone. Then the bell rang

"Uh it's about that time Mrs.Irina I mean that's the bell...shouldn't he head back? Isogai said. "Sure whatever knock yourselves out, teacher needs peace and quiet tho so let's make it a study hall" mrs.Jelavić said making the whole class gasp

"And another thing let's agree not to call me miss when the octopus is around and were definitely not on a first name basis so drop it. When he is around call me mrs.Jelavić" she said with a cigarette in hand. "Huh so what's your game mrs.Yellow bitch?"Karma smirked.

Y/N laughed and slapped his arm. He just winked at her. "NO NICK NAMES!" Now dubbed by karma mrs.Bitch yelled. "We got ourselves a real pro here just a word of warning who's been play the odds." Karma said. "Your not gonna kill the octopus without help" Y/N finished his sentence.

"Please sweetheart your a bunch of saplings adults have there own wat of doing things so take note." Mrs.Bitch said. She then turned to Nagisa. "Speaking of which your Nagisa Shiota right?" She asked Nagisa.

She then walked right up to him and smashed her lips on his sending the whole class shocked and with a very pissed off Kayano and a proud karma. It was a 30 hit kiss

"Do me a fav show me what you've got on him. Grab your special note book, meet in the facility lounge in 10 minutes" she said. "So our teachers a pedophili?" Y/N said out loud sending the whole class laughing

"HEY!" Mrs.Bitch yelled. "Oh sorry Mrs...Um...Is it ok if I call her...?" Y/N said turning towards Karma. "Its her name so knock yourself out" He smirked. "Okay! Anyways sorry Mrs.Bitch I didnt mean to upset you but you are really um mean" Y/N said.

"Oh god honey grow up" Mrs.Bitch said. "I'll grow up when your not grooming children" Y/N retorted "OHHHHHH!" the whole class yelled.
Karma laughed and ruffled her hair.

"They grow up so fast" he faked cried. She was about to storm towards her but then a trio of creepy men walked towards them. Karma grabbed Y/Ns hand and took her to the locker room.

They changed and then decided to skip class. Of course Y/N protested but he bribed her with pocky so she agreed. And off they went

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